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Mayor's Message - Council Connections 14 July 2018

14th July 2018

Herbert Street Drainage

Recent investigations of the Herbert Street storm water drainage system reveal significant root intrusion causing blockages to the systems.

As well as draining the street, the network also drains areas adjacent including Neame, Lynn and Warren Streets.

The cause of the problem are the fig trees planted adjacent to the kerb.  Clearing works to alleviate blockages have been undertaken at great expense, although the rapidness at which the roots reinfest indicate that ongoing drain clearing activities and attenuating cost is not really a sustainable option for the community into the future.

Options available to Council include –

  • Installation of root barriers
  • Re-lining of pipes with resistant materials
  • Full replacement of pipe network with a poly pipe system.

All options are very expensive and absolute guarantees of no further invasion of roots cannot be given.

A further option is the progressive removal of the fig trees and replacement of same with more suitable mature trees.  This work could be undertaken in conjunction with Council’s plans to refurbish the Herbert Street median park with appropriate shelters and related infrastructure and other paraphernalia concerning our district and community to assist with visitor attraction.

Providing connectivity between Herbert and Lannercost Streets, with an informative walk of sorts to entice visitors to remain in our district, is presently being planned and works to remedy the drainage should be programmed simultaneously in the interests of cost efficiency.  Any thoughts?

Marine Access

We have now received the report from the Queensland Government appointed researchers concerning Council’s ongoing lobbying for better marine access for both our own recreational and tourism related purposes.

As you may recall, Council’s submission to the State Government to request inclusion of marine access into the State Government’s Pipeline Infrastructure Project – (projects for the State to consider undertaking into the future for the greater good of Queensland) was successful.

The report confirms our views that Hinchinbrook needs a safe, effective and efficient avenue for transport of people and goods to and from various islands and reefs as well as safety for Maritime operations (Coastguard).  It has been confirmed that good and proper access will promote growth and economic diversity in the region.

The recommendation is that Hinchinbrook marine access plans progress to the next investment assessment stage after (and you guessed it) a further study is undertaken – a Coastal Process Assessment Study.  This project is important to our district, so we will pursue accordingly. 

Chief Executive Officer Interviews

Interviews for the position of Chief Executive Officer were conducted on Tuesday 10 July 2018 following the earlier retirement of former Chief Executive Officer Dan McKinlay.  A total of 36 candidates applied with some very high calibre Local Government executives in the mix.  We will let you know once a decision is made.

For more information on Council happenings make sure you look up council’s web page including all Minutes, programs, projects and reports. Everything we are doing on your behalf is there.

Have a good weekend.

Cr Ramon Jayo


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