Hinchinbrook Shire Council is accountable to the local community for its decisions, actions and services. Elected local government representatives are also accountable to the local community for the way they behave in carrying out their local government responsibilities.
Hinchinbrook Shire Council is governed by the Local Government Act 2009 incorporating the Local Government Regulation 2012. Officers and Councillors are required to conduct their local government functions and activities in accordance with principles set out in these documents:
- transparent and effective processes and decision-making in the public interest
- sustainable development and management of assets and infrastructure and delivery of effective services
- democratic representation, social inclusion and meaningful community engagement
- good governance of and by local government
- ethical and legal behaviour of Councillors and local government employees
We value your feedback, including formal complaints, so we can continue to improve services and processes.
If you have a complaint about a service, staff member or the conduct of a Councillor you should Lodge a complaint via our online complaint form or download a copy to complete and email or drop into our office on Lannercost Street.
A Council officer may contact you to discuss your concerns or ask for more information. Your complaint will follow the Administrative Action Complaint process (see below) or be forwarded to the relevant officer or department for processing.