Who's responsible for which roads?
Council looks after the majority of roads within the local government area, including suburban roads with the exception of highways which are controlled by the Queensland Government.
The Queensland Government Department of Transport and Main Roads maintains and controls the following highways and roads:
- Bruce Highway
- Ingham – Abergowrie Road
- Ingham – Halifax – Bemerside Road
- Stone River Road
- Ingham – Forest Beach Road
- Halifax – Lucinda Point Road
You can also view a map of all Queensland Government-controlled roads on the Department of Transport and Main Roads website. Download the North Queensland map to see roads within the Hinchinbrook Shire.
Road closures
To review roads that are affected by Council works or events, refer to Roadworks.
Deceased animals on roads
Council removes deceased animals from roads, footpaths and nature strips but not private properties. To assist with the removal of dead animals please call Council on 4776 4600 and provide a precise location. Once notified the animal will be removed within 24 hours.
Driveways and crossovers on roads
A driveway extends from the property boundary to the edge of the sealed formation, the shoulder point of the unsealed formation or the extent of the maintained road network. Property owners are responsible for building and maintaining their driveway and crossovers within the road reserve and within a resident’s own property as per Council’s Vehicle Access Policy. For more information please visit driveways.
The safety of pedestrians is important to Council and our footpaths are maintained by a regular repair program. Council allocates an annual budget for these repairs and for the construction of new paths.
To report any footpath concerns please contact us.