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No Slash Zone Register

This Register allows residents to nominate that the road frontages of their property are not to be slashed by Council.

The No Slash Zone Register applies to local Council roads only and supports responsible land owners who are working to manage pest and weed species along the boundary of properties fronting road reserves throughout the district. For further information on identifying and managing pest and weed species visit our Land and Pest Management page


Once registered, guideposts (as pictured below) will be installed to indicate the start and end of the No Slash Zone, these physical indicators are essential for Council or contractor slashers to differentiate between frontages of properties which are self-managed.


Slashers will not slash areas registered unless the No Slash Zone indicators are removed, requested to be removed or it becomes evident that the road frontage is no longer being maintained by the property owner and has become overgrown for an extended period of time.

To register your road frontage as a No Slash Zone, please follow the link below or contact Council on 4776 4671. Please ensure when providing information about your property to Council that you give specific details of where the No Slash Zone will start and end.

CLICK Here to register your road frontage as a No Slash Zone

No Slash Zone Register 

The below locations are currently listed on the No Slash Zone Register. 

Area Location 
Abergowrie  Carrig Dowhn Road (All of road)
Abergowrie 3 Elphinstone Pocket Road - Lot 6 SP116052 and Lot 11 SP116052 - CH 26500 to CH 27210 (Frontage of property)
Abergowrie 83 Dalrymple Road (Frontage of property) - CH 810 to CH 2120
Abergowrie 122 Dalrymple Road - Lot 43 SP214757 (Property side of road) - CH 980 to CH 2020
Abergowrie 217 Dalrymple Road (Frontage of property) - CH 810 to CH 2120
Abergowrie Hobsons Road (All of road)
Abergowrie Lee Creek Road - Lot 1 RP737181 - CH 1900 to CH 1430 (Lee Creek Road, CH 20 to CH 150 (Huddys Road) (Frontage of property) 
Abergowrie 119 Lee Creek Road - Lot 102 CWL1965, Lot 238 CWL2517, Lot 3 RP713901 and Lot 2 RP713809 - CH 1000 to CH 1280 (Frontage of property)
Abergowrie Moores Road (All of road) 
Abergowrie Sheahans Road - Start of Midway Creek to the end of Sheahans Road - CH 2910 to CH  6370
Abergowrie Abergowrie Road - Lot 6 RP384057 and Lot 143 SP248058 - RHS CH 3600 to CH 37599 (Abergowrie Road), RHS CH 22 to CH 880 (Tarakan Road), and LHS CH 22 to CH 205 (Tarakan Road), RHS CH 38089 to CH 38859 (Abergowrie Road) 
Abergowrie Abergowrie Road - Lot 61 CWL1401, Lot 63 CWL3011, Lot 2 SP223162, Lot 59 SP223162, Lot 4 RP738762, Lot 3 RP738762, Lot 114 CWL2463, Lot 1 RP738762, Lot 3 RP736038, Lot 2 RP736038 - LHS NSS CH 45718 to NSE CH46917, NSS CH  46917 to NSE CH 50860 (both sides of road)
Abergowrie McCarthys Road - Lot 61 CWL1401 and Lot 63 CWL3011 - the whole road 
Abergowrie Capras Road - Lot 3 RP745428 - LHS NSS CH 680 to NSE CH 1018
Abergowrie 129 Sheahans Road - Lot 1 RL4627 and Lot 2 RP804437 (CH 1100 - CH 1670)
Abergowrie Abergowrie Road - Lot 2 SP177769 - LHS CH 32160 to CH 31440 (Property Frontage)
Bambaroo Jourama Road - Lot 37 CWL352 and Lot 36 SP186112 - CH 1110 to CH 3670 (Both sides of road) 
Bambaroo Gap Creek Road - Lot 2 RP736507 - CH 40 to CH 1220 (All sides of property)
Bambaroo Zammits Road - Lot 114 CWL3034, Lot 6 and 8 RP713068 and Lot 2 RP736507
Bambaroo Zammits Road - Lot 2 RP723029, Lot 26 CWL304, Lot 2 RP713069 and Lot 2 RP734052 and Lot 3 RP734052 - CH 900 to CH 2300 (Both sides of road)
Bemerside 452 Gangemis Road (Property side to creek)
Bemerside Merrybank Road and Fulton Drive - Lot 3 CP884191 (CH 1710 to CH 2180) and Lot 10 SP208304 (CH 3930 to CH 4500)
Bemerside Moravicks Road - Lot 1 SP248042 - CH 1915 to CH 1990 (Frontage of property)
Bemerside 128-144 Moravciks Road - Lot 1 SP248042 and Lot 3 RP745630 - CH 1995 to CH 1240 (Frontage of property)
Bemerside  38 Valles Road - Lot 7 SP183700 - CH 15 to CH 570 and CH 420 to CH 680 (Frontages of property)
Braemeadows 61 Three Mile Road - Lot 1 RP707012 - CH 1050 to CH 525 (Property frontage)
Braemeadows 270 Four Mile Road - Lot 1 RP706937 - CH 2426 to CH 2742 (Frontage of property)
Braemeadows 713 Forrest Beach Road - Various Allotments CH 9.7 to CH 8.45 (Property frontage)
Braedmeadows Sunnybank Road - Various Allotments CH 1165 to CH 342 (Property frontage)
Braemeadows 791 Forrest Beach Road - Lot 3 RP707936 CH 10.97 to CH 10.27 (Property frontage)
Braemeadows Forrest Beach Road - Lot 3 SP117555, Lot 4 SP 113479) CH 8.02 to CH 7.54 (Property frontage)
Braemeadows Legges Road - Lot 1 RP745000, Lot B AP22394, Lot 4 RP747883 and Lot 3 RP747883 - CH 0 to CH 470 and CH 2610 to CH 3240 (Frontage of property)
Braemeadows Mandam Road - Lot 4 SP105372 and Lot 5 RP720230 - CH 1010 to CH 1160 and CH 1288 to CH 1880 (Property frontage)
Braemeadows Sunnybank Road - Lot 2 RP729631 - CH 1153 to CH 2489 (Property frontage)
Braemeadows 606 Forrest Beach Road – Lot 2 SP276978. Property frontage CH 2864 to CH 3479
Blackrock 23 Casanovas Road - CH 155 to CH 490 (Frontage of property)
Blackrock Warren Hill Road - Lot 1 RP720441 (CH 6091 to CH 6231), Bosworths Road - Lot 2 RP899128 (CH 196 to CH 980 and CH 2287 to CH 2501) and Forrest Beach Road - Lot 2 SP248062 (CH 4802 to CH 5037) (Property Frontage)
Dalrymple Creek  2511 Hawkins Creek Road - Lot 2 and 9 SP197637 - CH 23780 to CH 25100 (Property side and frontage)
Forrest Beach 900 Forrest Beach Road - Lot A AP9337, Lot 1 RL8611, Lot 5 SP155523, Lot 1 RP745636, Lot 2 RP745636 and Lot 5 SP279693 (Frontage of property)
Forrest Beach 1008 Forrest Beach Road - Lot 7 SP144534 - CH 12.88 to CH 14.31 (Property side)
Forrest Beach 1236 Forrest Beach Road - Lot 2 SP113476 - CH 14.31 to CH 15.2 (Frontage of property)
Forrest Beach Forrest Beach Road - Lot 362 CWL2540, Lot 284 SP155523, Lot 1 RP721564, Lot 4 RP738935, Lot 2 CWL3677 and Lot 6 RP800047 - CH 10.96 to CH 11.75, CH 12.71 to CH 16.72 and CH 15.2 to CH 17.65 (Frontage and both sides of property)
Gairloch Bruce Highway North – Lot 2 RP739160 (Property Frontage) – NSS RHS CH 4620 to NSE CH 5347
Halifax Marinis Road - Lot 2 RP707770, Lot 1, 3 and 4 RP703817
Halifax 276 Mona Road - Lot 1 RP709562, Lot 3 and 4 SP237046 (Both sides of property)
Hawkins Creek 452 Gangemis Road - CH 4310 to CH 5510 (Property to creek)
Hawkins Creek 179 Golloglys Road - Lot 142 CWL3075, Lot 98 CWL2880 and Lot A AP6653 - CH 1410 to CH 1995 and CH 2680 to CH 3070
Hawkins Creek Hawkins Creek Road - CH 1465 to CH 1925 (Both side of the road)
Hawkins Creek 1011 Hawkins Creek Road - Lot 3 RP745424 - CH 10118 to CH 10167
Hawkins Creek 1093 Hawkins Creek Road - Lot 1 RP724226, Lot 1 RP741304, Lot 3 RP750123 (CH 11410 to CH 13047) and Lot 3 RP855055 (CH 10667 to CH 11390) (Both sides of road)
Hawkins Creek Hawkins Creek Road - Lot 3 SP140419 (property frontage and sides) – NSS LHS CH 5324 to NSE CH 5984 (Hawkins Creek Road), NSS RH CH 3 to end of Council maintained section
Hawkins Creek Hawkins Creek Road – Lot 2 CWL1745, Lot 14 CWL1745, and Lot 15 CWL1745 (property frontage and side) - NSS RHS CH 3 to NSE CH 232 (Cruickshanks Road), and NSS RHS CH 5933 to NSE CH 6769 (Hawkins Creek Road)
Hawkins Creek Biasis Road – Lot 2 SP116056 – (property frontage) - NSS RHS CH 336 to NSE CH 809
Hawkins Creek Hawkins Creek Road - Lot 2 CWL1745, Lot 14 CWL1745, and Lot 15 CWL1745 (property frontage and sides) – NSS RHS CH 1 to NSE CH 570 (Palmas Road), NSS LHS CH 8092 to NSE CH 8494 (Hawkins Creek Road), and NSS LHS CH 218 to NSE CH 809 (Biasis Road)
Hawkins Creek Hawkins Creek Road – Lot 2 CWL1745, Lot 14 CWL1745, and Lot 15 CWL1745 (property frontage and sides) – NSS RHS CH 34 to NSE CH 286 (Manenti Road), NSS LHS CH 7205 to NSE CH 8473 (Hawkins Creek Road), and NSS LHS CH 9 to NSE CH 377 (Gortons Road)
Hawkins Creek Fabris Road – Lot 2 RP705375 (Property Frontage) – NSS RHS CH 1 to NSE CH 579
Hawkins Creek Hawkins Creek Road – Lot 7 SP142857 (Property Frontage) – NSS LHS CH 9722 to NSE CH 9920
Hawkins Creek Hawkins Creek Road – Lot 6 CWL2743, Lot 3 SP124633, and Lot 7 SP110337 (property frontage and side) – NSS RHS CH 3 to NSE CH 196 (Cunninghams Road), NSS LHS CH 13519 to NSE CH 14301 (Hawkins Creek Road), and NS - whole of Falcomers Road (both sides)
Hawkins Creek Hawkins Creek Road – Lot 4 RP749290 (Property Frontage) – NSS LHS CH 14560 to NSE CH 14782 (Hawkins Creek Road)
Hawkins Creek Hawkins Creek Road – Lot 2 RP717275 (Property Frontage) – NSS RHS CH 3150 to NSE CH 3892
Hawkins Creek Cruickshanks Road - CH 1 to CH 1309 (all of road)
Hawkins Creek 665 Hawkins Creek Road - Lot 4 SP223139, Lot 2 RP710796 - NSS LHS CH 6341 to NSE CH 6910, and NSS RHS CH 6767 to NSE CH 7368
Hawkins Creek Manenti Road - Lot 5 CAR124218 - NSS LHS CH 562 to NSE CH 1032 
Hawkins Creek 617 Hawkins Creek Road - Lot 73 SP248041 - NSS LHS CH 5934 to NSE CH 6306
Hawkins Creek 2 Biasi Road - Lot 1 SPSP230974 - NSS RHS CH 738 (Hawkins Creek Road) continuing to NSE RHS CH 208 (Biasi Road) 
Helens Hill Allendale Road (All of road)
Helens Hill Grassos Road - Lot 2 and 3 RP730655 - CH 4170 to CH 86940
Helens Hill Grassos Road - Lot 2 RP730521 - CH 2430 to CH 4080
Helens Hill Helens Hill Road (All of road)
Helens Hill Milton Road (All of road)
Helens Hill 41 Miltons Road/Allendale Road
Helens Hill Miltons Road from Frances Creek onwards
Helens Hill 732 Pappins Road - Lot 4 RP737159
Helens Hill 530 Pappins Road - Lot 7 and 8 SP155526
Helens Hill Pappins Road - Lot 1 RP737062 - CH 5644 to CH 6330
Helens Hill Pappins Road - Lot 11 RP710271 - CH 1368 to CH 227(Right side road frontage of farm)
Helens Hill Pappins Road - Lot 1 RP737159 (Property frontage) - CH 6330 to CH 6783
Helens Hill Pappins Road - Lot 3 RP737159 (Property frontage) - CH 7370 to CH7728
Helens Hill Pappins Road - Lot 8 RP894500 and Lot 4 RP734482 - CH 7365 to CH  8680
Helens Hill Pappins Road and Miltons Road - Lot 1 RP737184 - CH 4355 to CH 5233
Helens Hill 849 Pappins Road - Lot 7 RP882134 and Lot 6 RP857790 CH 8445 to end (Property side of road)
Helens Hill Pappins Road - Lot 4 RP804441 - CH 6333 to CH 7036 (Property side of road)
Helens Hill Railway Road - Lot 10 RP908278 - CH 2595 to CH 2755
Helens Hill 54 Pombel Road - Lot 1 RP72751 and Lot 3 RP711955 - NSS CH875 to NSE CH28 (Pombel Road), and NSS CH29872 to NSE CH29333
Helens Hill Pappins Road - Lot 2 RP737159 (Property Side)
Ingham Area Gardiner Street - Lot 1 RP708451 - CH 320 to CH 730
Ingham Area Halifax Road - CH 1.65 to CH 2.95 
Ingham Area 33 Halifax Road (Lot 1 RP136982) - CH 1.55 to CH 1.76
Lannercost 757 Lannercost Extension Road - Lot 4 RP731950 (Property frontage) - CH 7322 to CH 8460
Lannercost 362 Crotons Road - Lot 143 CWL 2037, Lot 4 SP248053, Lot 3 SP248053, Lot 2 SP248053, Lot 1 SP248053 (Property frontage)
Lannercost 253 Wallaman Falls Road - Lot 2 RP851015 - NSS CH 1108 to NSE CH 2848, Cavallaros Road - NSS CH 10 to NSE CH LHS 740 (Property frontage)
Lannercost Abergowrie Road, Lot 1 CWL2237, Lot 2 RP705193, Lot 3 RP705212, Lot 47 CWL397, Lot 2 RP729129, Lot 3 RP843461, Lot 1 RL8771, Lot 2 RP731529 and Lot 2 SP136982
Lannercost Crotons Road and Mortons Road (Lot 4 RP749681 and Lot 34 CWL383) NSS RHS CH 1921 to NSE CH 2805 (Crotons Road) and NSS RHS CH 678 to NSE CH 1571 (Mortons Road), and NSS LHS CH 1988 to NSE CH2 431 (Crotons Road)
Lannercost Crotons Road (Lot 2 SP136982) - CH LHS 3717 to CH 3760
Long Pocket 2355 Abergowrie Road - Lot 9 RP911647 - CH 14790 to CH 14900 (Property side)
Long Pocket 129 Sheahans Road - Lot 1 RL4627 and Lot 2 RP804437 
Lucinda 276 Mona Road and Marinis Road (Lot 1 RP709562, Lot 2 RP707770, Lot 3 & 4 SP237046 and Lot 1, 3 & 4 RP703817) - CH 2294 to CH 0 to CH 726
Macknade Bullock Paddock Road - Lot 1 RP718893 - CH 20.52 to CH 659 (Property frontage and side)
Macknade Bullock Paddock Road - CH 1800 to CH 4280
Macknade Bullock Paddock Road - CH 1800 to CH 3310
Macknade 102 Bullock Paddock Road - Lot 1 RP739353 - CH 659 to CH 1092
Macknade 104 Bullock Paddock Road - Lot 21 RP705315 - CH 1546 to CH 1691
Macknade 50 Ferraris Road - Lot 1 RP705316 (Property frontage and side)
Macknade 688 Halifax-Bemerside Road - Lot 2 RP715778 - Ch 19.99 to 20.44 (Property frontage and side)
Macknade 693 Halifax-Bemerside Road - Lot 5 RP705314 - CH 20.52 to CH 19.98 to CH 500 (Property frontage and side)
Macknade Kemps Road - CH 1910 to Ch 3280 LHS and CH 2120 to CH 3280 RHS
Macknade 36 Marbelli Street - Lot 2 SP188122 and Lot 1 SP235345 - CH 0 to CH 12.72 (Property side) 
Macknade Mill Road - CH 350 to CH 880
Macknade Morleys Road - CH 810 to CH 2160
Macknade 173 Neames Inlet Road - CH 1400 to CH 2120
Macknade 327 Neames Inlet Road - Lot 2 RP704203 - CH 3164 to CH 3880
Macknade Old Wharf Road - Lot 1 RP705316 and Lot 2 RP705316 - CH 547 to Ch 1092 (Property frontage and side)
Macknade Old Wharf Road - Lot 3 CWL 2962 - CH 590 to CH 1465 (Frontage of Property)
Mount Fox 471 Oak Hills Road - CH 4490 to CH 4870
Mount Fox 543 Oak Hills Road - Lot 1 RP730235 (property frontage and sides)
Mutarnee 267 Amos Road - Lot 3 RP743830 - CH 0 to CH 1410 and CH 1860 to CH 3200 (Frontage of Property) 
Mutarnee 7 Suthers Road – Lot 51 CWL478. Property frontage - NSS CH 55 to NSE CH 1276
Peacock Siding 1220 Stone River Road - Lot 5 RP749363 - CH 11680 to CH 12130 (Property side of road) 
Peacock Siding 4-28 Liborios Road - Lot 2 CWL2017, Lot 3 RP719987, Lot 4 RP719987, Lot 42 CWL795, Lot 44 CWL837589 - CH 0.04 to CH 0.98 and CH 11.68 to CH 13.05 (Frontage of Property)
Peacock Siding 1512 Stone River Road - Lot 1 RP703055 - CH 15.18 to CH 14.46 (Property side of road)
Peacock Siding 1193 Stone River Road - Lot 1 RP742907 and Lot 2 RP742907 - CH 11373 to CH 11958 (frontage of Property)
Peacock Siding Hobbs Road - Lot 1 RP905074 and Lot 52 RP905074, CH 405 to CH 1731
The Orient Orient Road (Start of Winkles grid to end of Bronte Road) - CH 4720 to CH 5800
The Orient Orient Road (Continuation from Winkles grid to Humpty Back Bridge)
The Orient Orient Road - CH 4720 to CH 5800
Toobanna 228 Pinnacle Hill Road - Lot 21 RP906035, CH 2686 to Ch 752 (property frontage)
Toobanna Masters Road, Toobanna (Lot 3 RP710449, Lot 2 CWL2714, Lot 1 RL7179 and Lot 1 RP725203) – LHS NSS CH 1805 to NSE CH 2453, and RHS NSS CH 2744 to NSE CH 1805
Toobanna Como Road, Toobanna - Lot 201 SP329606 and Lot 205 SP329606 – NSS LHS CH 6 to NSE CH 497 (Coppo Road), NSS RHS CH 2074 to NSE CH 33 (Como Road), and NSS CH 37620 to CH 37117 (Bruce Highway)
Trebonne Abergowrie Road - Lot 2 SP291548 - CH 9.88 to CH 9.08 (Property side of road)
Trebonne Abergowrie Road - Lot 2 RP721959 and Lot 1 RP721959 - CH 4.05 to CH 3.63 (Property side of road)
Trebonne 918 Abergowrie Road - Lot 7 RP857765 (Property Frontage) CH 9.16 to CH 9.50
Trebonne Beeva Road - Lot 8 RP706341- CH 0 to CH 930 (Frontage of property) 
Trebonne Beeva Road - Lot 22 CWL194, Lot 21 CWL194, Lot 20 CWL194 and Lot 19 CWL194 (Frontage of property)
Trebonne 11 Beeva Road - Lot 93 SP272207 - CH 0 to CH 20 (Property side of road)
Trebonne 95-97 Beeva Road - Lot 7 RP804391 (Frontage of property) 
Trebonne 99-101 Beeva Road - Lot 6 RP706341 (Property side of road) 
Trebonne Hamleigh Road - Lot 2 RP723375 - CH 1375 to CH 1555 (Property side of road)
Trebonne 140 Stone River Road - Lot 1 SP291548 - CH 1380 to CH 1865 (Property side of road)
Trebonne 221 Stone River Road - Lot 8 RP862124 - CH 1865 to CH 2780 (Property side of road)
Trebonne Stone River Road - CH 290 to CH 3615 (Start of Rankin Street intersection - both sides)
Trebonne Kehls Road - Lot 2 RP730406 - CH 300 to CH 320 (Property side of road)
Trebonne Stone River Road - Lot 1 RP707802, Lot 1 RP708758, Lot 4 SP310658 and Lot 3 SP310658 (frontage of property)
Trebonne Stone River Road (Lot 1 RP708758, Lot 4 SP310658 and Lot 3 SP310658) - NSS CH RHS 3600 to NSE CH 4550
Upper Stone 83 Allens Road (From access to 83 Allens Road to end of Allens Road) - CH 10 to CH 1150
Upper Stone 113 Exelbys Road - CH 1160 to CH 3130 (frontage of property only)
Upper Stone 398 Mount Fox Road - Lot 5 CWL105, Lot 3 CP857764, Lot 4 SP291845, Lot 2 CWL3626, Lot D CWL3626 and Lot 23 CWL504 
Upper Stone 109 Baillies Road - Lot 1 RP749380, Lot 1 RP749380, Lot 2 RP749380, Lot 3 RP749380 and Lot 4 RP749380
Upper Stone 71 Nowaks Road - Lot 2 RP736634 - CH 720 to CH 1498 (property frontage)
Upper Stone 45 Nowaks Road - Lot 2 RP736634 - CH 300 to CH 720 (property frontage)
Upper Stone  Stone River Road - Lot 3 RP896733 and Lot 1 CWL2011 - CH 17622 to CH 19435
Victoria Estate 93 Cooks Lane - Lot 1 RP731741, Lot 3 RP731741, Lot 105 SP262292, Lot 104 SP293947, Lot 106 SP293947 and Lot 107 SP293947 - CH 924 to CH 2486
Victoria Estate 213 Cooks Lane - Lot 1 RP737190 and Lot 5 RP746041 - CH 1846 to CH 2490 (Property frontage)
Victoria Estate Sachs Lane - Lot 1 RP720408, Lot 8 SP160668, Lot 9 SP170385 and Lot 2 RP736504 - CH 1266 to CH 1823 and CH 1849 to CH 1705
Victoria Estate  Sachs Lane - Lot 1 CWL2992 (CH 2440 to CH 3047) and Lot 2 RP740530 (CH 8 to CH 1082)
Victoria Estate Sachs Lane - Lot 2 RP737997 - CH 406 to CH 3230 (Property Frontage)
Yuruga 443 Jourama Road - CH 663 to CH 3680 (Property frontage)
Yuruga 126-213 Jourama Road - CH 2430 to CH 4080 (both sides of property)
Yuruga Grasso's Road - Lot 2 RP73052 (frontage of property only) CH 349 to CH 775
Yuruga Yuruga Road - Lot 73 CWL1414 (frontage of property ) CH 1574 to CH  2166
Yuruga Jourama Road – Lot 36 SP186112, Lot 37 CWL352 (both side of the roads) CH 1100 to CH 3600
