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Assessment Process

The process for assessing and deciding development is set out in a regulatory framework known as the Development Assessment Rules (DA Rules). The DA Rules are central to the development assessment process and identify the process that must be adhered to in the assessment of development applications.

Depending on the nature of the application, there may be as many as seven distinct stages that form part of the assessment process. These steps are identified by Figure 1 – Overview of the development assessment process.  Further information about the development assessment process can be found at Queensland's Planning System website.

Naturally, these steps will inform the length of that time that it will take Council to make a decision, along with ensuring that the application is decided by Council at the next available Council meeting.

If you have any queries in relation to the assessment process, please Contact us.

Lodging a Development Application

Development applications can be made to Council, and must be made using the approved forms and include all required information. Incomplete forms, or forms without all necessary information and documentation, may result in an application that is not properly made.

Development applications are often prepared by suitably qualified builders/ surveyors or professional development companies on behalf of the owner. It is important to determine who will be nominated as the applicant and the contact person.

'Properly Made' Applications

To be a considered a ‘properly made application’, all applications must be accompanied by:

  • the relevant application fee
  • all mandatory supporting information for the application - this will be specified in the relevant form
  • the owner's consent - if it is required under the Planning Act 2016

Applications that are not accompanied by this material may be considered ‘not properly made’ and may require the supply of this information prior to Council commencing its assessment.

If you have any queries in relation to the requirements of an application, please Contact us.
