How to apply for replacement bins, lids, pins, wheels or axles
Did you know that Waste and Recycle bins are the property of the residence? Their care and maintenance are the responsibility of the resident.
Households are entitled to a 240L general waste bin and a 240L recycling bin.
Is your bin damaged or needing replacement?
Residents can request one free replacement waste and/or recycling bin per financial year if the old bin is damaged. To order a new bin simply call Council on 4776 4600. Please ensure you have your property address and the current bin numbers (on the site of the bin) ready when requesting replacement bin(s). Replacements can also be ordered via email or through the #dontwastehinchinbrook app.*
A fee may apply if you need to replace your bin(s) twice in the same financial year.
*Please note that old bins will be collected before replacement given.
Do you need replacement lids, pins, wheels or axles?
Residents can request free replacement lids, pins, and wheels if they are damaged.
During wet season water can run into the bin if the lid is cracked. To prevent the bin from filling with water and exceeding weight limits, Council strongly recommends ordering a replacement lid before the wet season arrives. To order spare bin parts simply call Council on 4776 4600. Please ensure you have your property address ready when requesting replacement spare parts. Replacement parts can also be ordered via email or through the #dontwastehinchinbrook app.
A fee may apply if you need to replace your lid(s) more than twice in one financial year.