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Registration and Fees

Under the Animal Management (Cats and Dogs) Act 2008 all dogs (including rural dogs) over the age of three months or acquired after the 1 July 2010 must be registered with Council. The only exception to this ruling is if the dog is a working dog. 

What is a working dog?

Under the Act a working dog is a dog that is:

  • usually kept or proposed to be kept on rural land; 
  • is owned by a person who is a primary producer or engaged or employed by a primary producer; or
  • is primarily used or being trained for the purpose of droving, protecting, tending or working stock. This excludes a Regulated Dog.

The following documentation is required to be submitted to Council for proof of the animal being a working dog:

Primary producer

  • ABN number of business registration from the Tax Office identifying that the business is registered as a Primary Producer and showing that it is in the dog owner’s name; and
  • A Statutory Declaration from the person stating that the dog is a working dog (by definition in the Act).

Employee of a primary producer

  • A letter from the business owner (on their business letterhead and including the ABN) confirming that the person is an employee of the business, that the business is registered as a primary producer and that the employee is required to use a dog for the purposes of his duties; and
  • A Statutory Declaration from the person stating that the dog is a working dog (by definition in the Act).

Registration and Renewals

Registration and easy identification of pets through the wearing of registration tags and being microchipped is important for the wellbeing of the animals, owner's peace of mind, and allows Council to plan for future community needs. A clear and legible identification disc should be worn on their collar at all times. Animal Registration tags are supplied to the owner at the time of making application for registration and replacement tags are also available.

For more information on animal fees and charges, please visit Council's Fees and Charges page. 

(Note – Under the Act, the provision to register cats with Council was repealed.)

Registration Renewal Notices are issued mid to late June each year to all dog owners currently registered on the Animal Database and are sent to the current address as supplied by the owner at the time of initial registration. Registration must be renewed by 31 July each year. A discount is offered to owners who renew their registration for their dog/s prior to this date. Discounts are also provided by Council for microchipped and desexed dogs (proof of desexing must be supplied at the time of registration).

COMPLETE the ONLINE form to amend animal or ownership details.

All new registrations must be submitted and paid in person at the Council office. Registration renewals can be paid online via the Make a Payment page. 
