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About Council

Learn more about the Hinchinbrook Shire Council

Citizenship Ceremonies

Hinchinbrook Shire Council Citizenship Ceremonies

Events Calendar

A place where you can find and share events that are happening in the Hinchinbrook community.


Emergency Action Guide

Council is committed to assisting the community in preparing for disaster and emergency events and has therefore published an Emergency Action Guide which focuses on natural disasters.

The Guide will help you:

  • Prepare your Emergency Plan, Emergency Kit and Evacuation Kit
  • Assist you in preparing your family, pets, home, yard and belongings before, during and after a disaster
  • Find information during a disaster and understand the risk and likelihood of disasters within the community


Disclaimer: This brochure is for information only and is provided in good faith. The Queensland Government and the Hinchinbrook Shire Council are under no liability to any person in respect of any loss or damage (including consequential loss) which may be suffered or incurred, or which may arise directly or indirectly, in respect of reliance by any person on the information contained in this brochure.

Multilingual Emergency Action Guide

The Hinchinbrook Emergency Action Guide is available in three additional languages: Italian, Spanish and Tagalog (Filipino) which can be downloaded below.

The translation of the Hinchinbrook Emergency Action Guide was jointly funded under Australian Commonwealth and Queensland State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.

If you or your organisation connect with residents who may benefit from these translated guides, please contact Council’s Disaster Management Officer on 4776 4600 to arrange collection.
