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Citizenship Ceremonies

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Events Calendar

A place where you can find and share events that are happening in the Hinchinbrook community.


Knowledge Hub

Workshop Summaries

Walking the Landscape Workshop Summary

Coastal Processes and Erosion Presentation - Water Technology

Factsheets and Other Documents

Foreshore Management Plan Review - Lucinda and Forrest Beach (GHD) October 2017
Hinchinbrook Coast 2100 - Hinchinbrook Coastal Hazard Adaption Strategy (CHAS) May 2021
Lucinda Coastal Processes 101 Presentation Summary by Water Technology 15 September 2021
Taylors Beach Coastal Processes 101 Presentation Summary by Water Technology 27 April 2022
Forrest Beach Coastal Processes 101 Presentation Summary by Water Technology 28 April 2022
Six Easy Steps to Grow Your Esplanade Factsheet by Townsville City Council N/A 
Potential Erosion Management Options 3 June 2022
Lucinda Workshop No. 2 (Recap and Survey Results) 31 October 2022
Lucinda Workshop No. 2 (Water Technology Presentation and SEMP Options) 31 October 2022
Taylors Beach Workshop No. 2 (Recap and Survey Results) 1 November 2022
Taylors Beach Workshop No. 2 (Water Technology Presentation and SEMP Options) 1 November 2022
Forrest Beach Workshop No. 2 (Recap and Survey Results) 2 November 2022
Forrest Beach Workshop No. 2 (Water Technology Presentation and SEMP Options) 2 November 2022
Simple Steps to Grow Your Foreshore Factsheet 27 September 2023
Lucinda Groyne Replacement Assessment and Recommendations Flyer 10 October 2024
Mangrove Forest: Coastal Erosion Mitigation

Coastal Risk Australia 2100

The below link provides the estimated sea level rise (SLR) and inundation maps based on the 2014 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report, upon which our Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategy (CHAS) and Hinchinbrook Shire Shoreline Erosion Management Plan (SEMP) have been based. However, this data (numbers) has since been revised in the 2022 IPCC report which should be taken into account. 

InteractiVE Projection Maps


What is a SEMP used for?

The SEMP will be used to:

  • Using a variety of methods, obtain a sound technical understanding of the physical coastal processed at Lucinda, Taylors Beach and Forrest Beach, involving the community and engaging the agencies responsible for the decisions and approvals of development applications require to do any future works;

  • Enable Local Government to proactively plan for erosion management;

  • Investigate and address the underlying causes of shoreline erosion and identify the likely future progression at the local scale; and

  • Determine cost-effective and sustainable erosion management strategies that maintain natural coastal processes and protect essential infrastructure.

What has been done to date?

Our consultants, Water Technology, have undertaken an assessment of the coastal processes in developed areas exposed to coastal erosion.

Results of this assessment were presented at the 'Have Your Say' community meetings held in September 2021 (Lucinda) and April 2022 (Forrest Beach and Taylors Beach). 

Participants at these meetings were presented with a variety of information which provided foundational understanding of how these special places came to be, and from there, the community was encouraged to add to the knowledge of each area by sharing their experiences. Each session discussed the issues, challenges and potential opportunities to enhance the condition, resilience and liveability of these coastal locations.

Council is now consolidating the information collected throughout the series of workshops, and develop and assess a number of potential options to deliver on Council's and the community's aspirations for each coastal zone. 

How is the SEMP different to the Coastal Hazard Adaptation Strategy (CHAS) already complete?

The CHAS is a strategic planning document for the Hinchinbrook local government area. This document looked at the hazards such as coastal erosion, storm tide inundation and sea level rise and their potential impacts on the community, infrastructure and the environment.

The CHAS provides a broad understanding of the vulnerabilities and risks associated with a changing climate. 

The CHAS also identified adaptation pathways to mitigate coastal hazards in the short, medium and long term (2100+).

The SEMP provides a more detailed plan with specific actions and recommendations for dealing with the short-term coastal erosion issues that are affecting the settlements of Lucinda, Taylors Beach and Forrest Beach now, and how these might affect outcomes into the future. 

The SEMP will provide a management strategy to deal with shoreline erosion issues over the next 10 to 20 years, including how solutions may be funded and implemented by Council.

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