In February 2022, the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) announced the $50 million Coastal and Estuarine Risk Mitigation Program (CERMP) which is funded by the Emergency Response Fund.
CERMP will help drive the long-term resilience and sustainability by delivering priority projects that help mitigate the impact of disasters on communities and economies.
As part of the fund allocation, Council received $88,706 to undertake a review of the Lucinda groyne field and develop a shovel-ready design.
In accordance with Action L1 of the Hinchinbrook Shire Shoreline Erosion Management Plan (SEMP), the Lucinda groyne field refurbishment is proceeding to detailed review and design stage. The geotextile sandbags constructed in 2002 have been used to form a groyne field protecting the beach front between Johnson and Periwinkle parks; these structures have now reached their serviceable life and require replacement.
Based on a detailed procurement process and assessment of the submissions by experienced coastal designers, Council has engaged Civil IQ to assess the historic performance of the groyne field, undertake an options analysis and provide recommendations on a proposed concept design to replace the existing geotextile sandbag groynes along the Lucinda foreshore. As part of the design delivery, Civil IQ are seeking to engage with impacted community members.
Council appreciates the community input to the Hinchinbrook Shire SEMP and now invite residents to register their details with Council if they are interested in participating in the consultation process throughout the life of the project, or just be kept informed.
Be part of the solution by registering your interest with Council's Natural Assets Team, Bree Camp by email or by phone on 4776 4740.
Further background information on the Hinchinbrook Shire SEMP is available on the Knowledge Hub.