Constructing a new business
If you are setting up a new food business you will need to lodge a Food Business Licence Application form attaching the following information:
- A site plan showing the food premises location, waste storage, car parking, staff and public toilet facilities;
- A floor plan, drawn to a scale of not less than 1:50, showing details of the layout of all equipment, fixtures and fittings;
- Sectional elevation plans, drawn to a scale of not less than 1:50, showing a side-on view of the walls of the premises indicating the height of structures, benches, fixtures, fittings and equipment; including within cool rooms/freezer rooms if applicable;
- A hydraulic plan showing plumbing and drainage, drawn to a scale of not less than 1:50, showing the location of water and sewerage pipes and connection types, tundishes and grease traps; and
- A mechanical exhaust ventilation plan, drawn to a scale of not less than 1:50, if applicable.
Plans should indicate the types of material used for benches, floors, walls and ceilings.
Other necessary approvals include Planning and Development approvals.
The Food Business Licence Application form can be found on Council's website, Business Licencing page under Business Licensing Application Forms.
Purchasing an existing business
If you are purchasing an existing business, Hinchinbrook Shire Council recommends you seek a Health Search of the existing business by completing a Health Search Application form. This service includes:
- A historic search of the business records to identify any major or recurring issues; and
- A site inspection to identify any current issues with the premises, fixtures and fittings.
A photographic report is then compiled outlining all existing or potential non-compliances. This report can then be used in the negotiations between seller and purchaser.
The Health Search Application form can be found on Council's website, Business Licencing page under Business Licensing Application Forms.
Ceasing to Operate
If you are ceasing to conduct your business you cannot transfer your licence. You are required to surrender your licence to Council by completing an application to cancel a Licence or Registration and returning it to Council together with your original licence. You may be entitled to a rebate of part of your annual licence fee.
Self Assessment Checklists and Guides
The self assessment checklists are a convenient tool to enable food business operators to check that they are conducting their business in compliance with legislation.