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Hinchinbrook Storm Surge Study

Hinchinbrook Storm Surge Study Final Report 2004

The Hinchinbrook Storm Surge Study has been carried out under the Natural Disaster Risk Management Studies Program administered in Queensland by the Department of Emergency Services. 

The Storm Surge Study aimed to:

  • Identify the true risk of storm surge inundation along the coastal of Hinchinbrook Shire
  • South and western coastal regions of Great Palm Island
  • Identify critical areas of concern arising from climatic changes
  • Identify storm surge inundation by preparing storm surge hazard mapping
  • Develop appropriate planning measures and response plans
Beach Maps

To view the recommended Minimum Floor Levels to provide 100 Year Ari Storm Tide Immunity For Future Developments for each beach, click on the relevant link below. 

Allingham and Cassady Beach

Lucinda and Dungeness

Taylors Beach

Storm Tide Evacuation

The Hinchinbrook Shire Council Evacuation Guide is used to inform residents on predicted storm tide flooding associated with a tropical cyclone and to identify areas that may require evacuation. For more information please visit our Storm Tide Evacuation Plan page.

Click to View: Hinchinbrook Storm Surge Final Report 2004

The Report needs to be read in conjunction with the List of Illustrations and Figures and Appendices listed below. 

The Hinchinbrook Storm Surge Final Report 2004 is the current document Council will be referencing in the Hinchinbrook Shire Planning Scheme 2017.

Hinchinbrook Storm Surge Final Report 2004 - List of Illustrations and Figures