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Citizenship Ceremonies

Hinchinbrook Shire Council Citizenship Ceremonies

Events Calendar

A place where you can find and share events that are happening in the Hinchinbrook community.


Interactive Mapping

Development App

Council has developed a web-application that is an interactive online mapping tool. The App capitalises on Council’s existing Planning Scheme and flood data assets to simply and clearly communicate:

  • the flood hazard categories that apply to the land, based on the overlay mapping;
  • for the hazard category, development that Council either encourages, would consider and/or would prefer not to see; and
  • development requirements, such as maximum filling extents or minimum floor levels for development on the land.

The App enables the end user to navigate the Ingham area via viewing it at the local government boundary or zooming in to suburb and street level.  Additionally, it has the option to view the different layers, which can be switched on as necessary.

Information is generated in response to a specific property address or Lot/Plan query, and is therefore tailored to the user’s request. A planning report is available to save or download. This report should be viewed in conjunction with the Hinchinbrook Shire Council Planning Scheme 2017. 

Please note if you would like to print a map that appears on the screen when using the App you will need to use the Print Screen button option. For more information regarding use of the App please see the About tab within the App.


Flood ALERT App

The release of the Flood ALERT web application offers the community details on live river heights, flood depth data for nominated flood events and displays potential inundation heights throughout the Hinchinbrook Shire.

Within the application, you can also explore flood heights for different flood events ranging from 1 in 5 year through to 1 in 100 year which allows users to gain information on how each flood event affects their property.

Please refer to the Flood ALERT App User Guide for more information about use of the App.

Flood alert app

As Council continually expands the collection, they will be added to the map library and app gallery. By using Council's Interactive Mapping Apps you are choosing to accept the terms and conditions found within each web application. 

For any further enquiries please contact Council's Spatial Services Unit on 4776 4720. 

Make a Request

Make a Request

Request a service, make an enquiry or report an issue.

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