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Councillor Conflict of Interest Register

Councillors are responsible for informing of a Prescribed or Declarable Conflict of Interest on matters to be discussed at a Council General Meeting, standing or advisory committee meeting and when dealing with these Conflicts of Interest must notify the CEO and the specific meeting of such conflicts.

Councillor Name 

Nature of Interest

Type of Conflict 

General Meeting Reference Item

CR MJ Spina In accordance with Section 150EI of the Local Government Act 2009, Councillor MJ Spina informed the meeting of a Prescribed Conflict of Interest in relation to Item 4.2 as he owns shares in Ethanol Technologies Limited. A landowner of which the proposed development will be staged is a Director on the Board of Ethanol Technologies Limited. As a result of this Conflict of Interest Councillor MJ Spina will leave the meeting whilst the matter is being discussed and voted on. Declarable Conflict of Interest 25 June 2024 - Item 4.2
CR DM Marbelli In accordance with Section 150EN of the Local Government Act 2009, Councillor DM Marbelli informed the meeting of a rable Conflict of Interest in relation to Item 4.2 as her husband’s first cousin owns property with a boundary 460m from the boundary of the proposed development. As a result of this Conflict of Interest Councillor DM Marbelli will leave the meeting whilst the matter is being discussed and voted on. Declarable Conflict of Interest 25 June 2024 - Item 4.2
Cr ME Brown In accordance with Section 150EI of the Local Government Act 2009, Councillor ME Brown informed the meeting of a Prescribed Conflict of Interest in relation to Item 4.2 as she is a Director of several entities that own shares in Ethanol Technologies Limited. A landowner of which the proposed development will be staged is a Director on the Board of Ethanol Technologies Limited. As a result of this Conflict of Interest Councillor ME Brown will leave the meeting whilst the matter is being discussed and voted on. Declarable Conflict of Interest 25 June 2024 - Item 4.2
Cr KS Milton

In accordance with Section 150EN of the Local Government Act 2009, Councillor KS Milton informed the meeting of a Declarable Conflict of Interest in relation to Item 4.2 as she owns property 400m north of the boundary. The proposed development is at the top of the range where it is impossible to maintain a firebreak to keep any controlled or uncontrolled burns on her property. As fire management and fire hazards are a big part of this proposal, she feels that this could have implications on her property management. As a result of this Conflict of Interest Councillor KS Milton will leave the meeting whilst the mater is being discussed and voted on.

Declarable Conflict of Interest 25 June 2024 - Item 4.2
CR DM Marbelli

In accordance with Section 150EN of the Local Government Act 2009, Councillor DM Marbelli informed the meeting she has a possible Declarable Conflict of Interest in relation to Item 1.6 as her husband Paul is a Director of CANEGROWERS Herbert River, and CANEGROWERS Herbert River is a stakeholder in this Report.

Councillor DM Marbelli advised that although she has declared her interest, she does not believe a reasonable person could have a perception of bias because she has no interest in the matter and therefore, she chooses to remain in the meeting. Councillor DM Marbelli acknowledged that eligible Councillors must determine, pursuant to Section 150ES of the Local Government Act 2009 whether she:
1. May participate in the decision about the matter including by voting on the matter; or
2. Must leave the meeting, including any area set aside for the public, and stay away from the meeting while the eligible Councillors discuss and vote on the matter.
Councillors formed the view that as a reasonable person would not form a view that a conflict existed, and Councillor DM Marbelli has no Declarable Conflict of Interest, she may remain in the meeting room while the matter is considered and voted on.

No Declarable Conflict of Interest 28 May 2024 - Item 1.6
CR MJ Spina In accordance with Section 150EN of the Local Government Act 2009, Councillor MJ Spina informed the meeting of a Declarable Conflict of Interest in relation to Item 2.16 as Ingham Real Estate, which is owned by Councillor Spina, may be
involved in selling the land in the near future.
Declarable Conflict of Interest 23 April 2024 - Item 2.16
Cr ME Brown In accordance with Section 150EP of the Local Government Act 2009, Councillor ME Brown informed the meeting of a Declarable Conflict of Interest in relation to Item 2.7 as the Proponent for the Application is her brother.
Having regard to the nature of her Declarable Conflict of Interest, Councillor ME Brown informed the meeting that she will leave the meeting room while the matter is considered and voted on.
Declarable Conflict of Interest 20 February 2024 - Item 2.7
Cr WG Skinner In accordance with Section 150EP of the Local Government Act 2009, Councillor WG Skinner informed the meeting of a Prescribed Conflict of Interest in relation to Item 2.5 as he is the Applicant. Having regard to the nature of his Prescribed Conflict of Interest, Councillor WG Skinner informed the meeting that he will leave the meeting room while the matter is considered and voted on. Declarable Conflict of Interest 20 February 2024 - Item 2.5
Cr ME Brown In accordance with Section 150EP of the Local Government Act 2009, Councillor ME Brown informed the meeting of a Declarable Conflict of Interest in relation to Item 2.11 as she is a shareholder of the applicant North Queensland Bio Energy
and the Chair is her brother.
Having regard to the nature of her Declarable Conflict of Interest, Councillor ME Brown informed the meeting that she will leave the meeting room while the matter is considered and voted on.
Declarable Conflict of Interest 23 January 2024 - Item 2.11
Cr ME Brown In accordance with Section 150EP of the Local Government Act 2009, Councillor ME Brown informed the meeting of a Declarable Conflict of Interest in relation to Item 1.3 as one of the tender applicants is her brother-in-law. Declarable Conflict of Interest 12 December 2023 - Item 1.3
Cr WG Skinner In accordance with Section 150EP of the Local Government Act 2009, Councillor WG Skinner informed the meeting of a Declarable Conflict of Interest in relation to Item 1.3 as Hayleys Crossing can be a route used to access his own property. Declarable Conflict of Interest 12 December 2023 - Item 1.3
Cr Kate Milton In accordance with Section 150EP of the Local Government Act 2009, Councillor KS Milton informed the meeting of a Declarable Conflict of Interest in relation to Item 1.6 as members of her family live on Pappins Road, and it leads to Milton
Road which she resides on.
Declarable Conflict of Interest 12 December 2023 - Item 1.6 
Cr Kate Milton In accordance with Section 150EP of the Local Government Act 2009, Councillor KS Milton informed the meeting of a Declarable Conflict of Interest in relation to Item 1.3 as Hayleys Crossing can be a route used to access her own property,
although not commonly used.
Declarable Conflict of Interest 12 December 2023 - Item 1.3
Cr Kate Milton In accordance with Section 150EP of the Local Government Act 2009, Councillor KS Milton informed the meeting of a Declarable Conflict of Interest in relation to Item 2.10 as the applicant is her Sister-in-Law. Declarable Conflict of Interest 28 November 2023 - Item 1.8
Cr Kate Milton In accordance with Section 150EP of the Local Government Act 2009, Councillor KS Milton informed the meeting a possible Declarable Conflict of Interest in relation to Item 1.8 as she has family members who live on Pappins Road and Councillor Milton lives off Milton Road. Declarable Conflict of Interest 24 October 2023 - Item 1.8
Cr Donna Marbelli In accordance with Section 150EP of the Local Government Act 2009, Councillor DM Marbelli informed the meeting a possible Declarable Conflict of Interest in relation to Item 1.3 if discussions arise regarding Timrith Transport as the owners of Timrith Transport are first cousins to her husband Paul Marbelli. Declarable Conflict of Interest 24 October 2023 - Item 1.3
Cr Mary Brown In accordance with Section 150EP of the Local Government Act 2009, Councillor ME Brown informed the meeting she has a possible Declarable Conflict of Interest in relation to Item 2.8 as she is a member of the Gilroy Santa Maria College Finance Committee. Declarable Conflict of Interest 29 August 2023 - Item 2.8
Cr Kate Milton As the applicant Glenda Crisp is her Sister-in-Law. Declarable Conflict of Interest 25 July 2023 - Item 2.8
Cr Mary Brown She has related business entities currently in negotiations, that could eventuate as a result of commercial in confidence negotiations, should this subdivision progress. Declarable Conflict of Interest 25 July 2023 - Item 2.11
Cr Mary Brown As she is a member of Abergowire/Long Pocket QCWA committee who will be hosting and catering this event at their property and the QCWA will be a beneficiary of some proceeds of the event. Declarable Conflict of Interest 25 July 2023 - Item 2.5
Cr Donna Marbelli As the neighbouring resident, Rosalind Guerra is her husband's first cousin.  Declarable Conflict of Interest 25 July 2023 - Item 2.8
Cr Donna Marbelli As the owners of Timrith Transport are first cousins to her husband Paul Marbelli. Declarable Conflict of Interest 25 July 2023 - Item 1.3
Cr Kate Milton Her husband is the owner of part of the property and she and her husband are the business owners. Prescribed Conflict of Interest 30 May 2023 - Item 2.11
Cr Donna Marbelli  Her Father-In-Law is a life member of the Macknade Community Sporting Club Inc. Declarable Conflict of Interest 30 May 2023 - Item 2.9A
Cr Mary Brown Her brother-in-law and sister’s business is a subcontractor to a tenderer on this project. Declarable Conflict of Interest 30 May 2023 - Item 2.8
Cr Donna Marbelli  Her husband Paul is related as first cousin to Ramon and Steven Marbelli of Timrith Transport who are quarry owners. Declarable Conflict of Interest 28 March 2023 - Item 2.10
Cr Kate Milton She has a registered Quarry on her property. Declarable Conflict of Interest 28 March 2023 - Item 2.10
Cr Donna Marbelli  The owner of the quarry is a close member of the family. Declarable Conflict of Interest  13 December 2022 - Item 2.11
Cr Mary Brown The proponent is a relative. Declarable Conflict of Interest  13 December 2022 - Item 2.8
Cr Donna Marbelli  Her husband Paul Marbelli is cousin to Steven and Ramon Marbelli of Timrith Transport who submitted a tender for the HSC22/17 DRFA Program. Declarable Conflict of Interest 13 December 2022 - Item 2.6
Cr Donna Marbelli  Her husband Paul Marbelli is cousin to Steven and Ramon Marbelli of Timrith Transport who are involved in gravel and quarry work. Declarable Conflict of Interest 22 November 2022 - Item 2.5
Cr Mary Brown She is a Director of GSME Nominees and have a direct interest in this matter. Prescribed Conflict of Interest  25 October 2022 - Item 1.4
Cr Kate Milton  She is a Gravel Pit Owner and may have a direct interest in this matter. Prescribed Conflict of Interest 25 October 2022 - Item 2.5
Cr Kate Milton  Her husband David is related as first cousin to Morrissey’s who are the Lessees in this matter. Declarable Conflict of Interest 25 October 2022 - Item
Cr Kate Milton  The property neighbours her lychee farm on Helens Hill Road. Prescribed Conflict of Interest  27 September 2022 - Item 2.4
Cr Mary Brown  She is an airport user and is a current owner of a business at the Ingham Airport. Declarable Conflict of Interest 27 September 2022 -  Item 2.11
Cr Wally Skinner  He is a member of the All Souls Committee (Anglican Parish of Ingham) who have applied for a Community Activity Grant. Prescribed Conflict of Interest 26 July 2022 - Item 2.11
Cr Mary Brown  She is related to the applicant Michael Carey who is her brother. Declarable Conflict of Interest 26 July 2022 - Item 2.9
Cr Donna Marbelli Her husband Paul is related as first cousin to Ramon and Steven Marbelli of Timrith Transport who are tenderers for HSC 22/06. Declarable Conflict of Interest 26 July 2022 - Item 2.6
Cr Donna Marbelli Her husband Paul Marbelli is an Executive Member on the Herbert River Canegrowers Board and Chairperson of Herbert River Catchment and Landcare Group. Prescribed Conflict of Interest 26 July 2022 - Item 1.7
Cr Donna Marbelli One of the delivery agents is Timrith Transport who are Steven and Ramon Marbelli being first cousins to her husband Paul Marbelli. Declarable Conflict of Interest 26 July 2022 - Item 1.4
Cr Kate Milton  She is related to the neighbours/complainants in this matter, Robert and Debbie Hobbs as her niece and her husband. Declarable Conflict of Interest  28 June 2022 - Item 2.10
Cr Donna Marbelli She is a canegrower and member of Herbert River Canegrowers, and her husband Paul Marbelli is an Executive Member on the Herbert River Canegrowers Board Declarable Conflict of Interest  28 June 2022 - Item 1.5
Cr Mary Brown  She is related to the applicants Robert and Margaret Carey who are her brother and sister-in-law. Declarable Conflict of Interest  28 June 2022 - Item 2.13
Cr Mary Brown  She is related to the applicants Robert and Margaret Carey who are her brother and sister-in-law. Declarable Conflict of Interest  28 June 2022 - Item 2.12
Cr Mary Brown  She is related to the applicants Robert and Margaret Carey who are her brother and sister-in-law. Declarable Conflict of Interest  28 June 2022 - Item 2.11
Cr Andrew Lancini HLD Constructions Pty Ltd is owned by Heath Davis who is his relation. Prescribed Conflict of Interest 31 May 2022 - Item 2.12
Cr Mary Brown  She is a part owner of a business based at the Ingham Airport and a member of the Airport Users Group. Declarable Conflict of Interest  31 May 2022 - Item 1.6
Cr Mary Brown She owns and is the Director of a business operating at the Ingham Airport. Declarable Conflict of Interest  26 April 2022 - Item 1.6
Cr Andrew Lancini He owns a business that is an agent for the recommended preferred supplier, Lowes and delivery of fuel is by Ocwen Energy Pty. Ltd. Prescribed Conflict of Interest 26 April 2022 - Item 2.4
Cr Donna Marbelli Being a canegrower in the Lower Herbert area it is a  possibility that some time in the future that the equipment owned by Marbelli Farming to which she is a Director could be using this base station located on Warrens Hill and it could be seen as a conflict in the public eye. Declarable Conflict of Interest  26 April 2022 - Item 2.12
Cr Donna Marbelli Her husband Paul is related as first cousin to Ramon and Steven Marbelli of Timrith Transport who are tenderers for HSC 22/02 Declarable Conflict of Interest  26 April 2022 - Item 2.5
Cr Mary Brown She is a Committee Member of the Queensland Country Women’s Association
(QCWA) Long Pocket.
Declarable Conflict of Interest  22 February 2022 - Item 2.14
Cr Mary Brown She owns and is the Director of a business operating at the Ingham Airport. Declarable Conflict of Interest  22 February 2022 - Item 2.11
Cr Donna Marbelli Her father-in-law is a life member of the Macknade Sporting Club. Declarable Conflict of Interest  22 February 2022 - Item 2.14
Cr Donna Marbelli her employer Tweak Fitness was a past member of the Committee and it
could be seen as a conflict in the public eye.
Declarable Conflict of Interest  22 February 2022 - Item 2.13
Cr Donna Marbelli Her husband Paul is related as first cousin to Ramon and Steven Marbelli of
Timrith Transport who are tenderers for HSC 21/25.
Declarable Conflict of Interest  22 February 2022 - Item 2.4
Cr Kate Milton  She is related as an Aunt to Trevor and Caroline Crisp and as Sister-in-law to
Glen and Desley Crisp who own land adjacent to Jacobsen Track, and as Councillor KS Milton and her husband David also own neighbouring property.
Declarable Conflict of Interest  22 February 2022 - Item 2.10
Cr Kate Milton Her husband David Milton is the applicant and owns the subject land. Prescribed Conflict of Interest 25 January 2022 - Item 2.14
Cr Mary Brown Her brother and sister-in-law Robert and Margaret Carey own the subject land and Councillor ME Brown is a Director of the Company that owns the neighbouring property. Prescribed Conflict of Interest 25 January 2022 - Item 2.11
Cr Donna Marbelli Her sister-in-law and brother-in-law Donna and Robert Serra have recently purchased and reside on Flynn Street. Prescribed Conflict of Interest 25 January 2022 - Item 2.9
Cr Donna Marbelli Her husband Paul is related as first cousin to Ramon and Steven Marbelli of Timrith Transport who are listed as contractors within the report. Prescribed Conflict of Interest 25 January 2022 - Item 1.5
Cr Mary Brown Her brother is a Director in one of the proponents who have submitted a tender. Prescribed Conflict of Interest 14 December 2021 - Item 3.5
Cr Donna Marbelli She is an employee of tender submitter Kienan Blanco who owns Healthy Figures t/a Tweak Fitness. Declarable Conflict of Interest 14 December 2021 - Item 3.4
Cr Donna Marbelli Her husband Paul is related as first cousin to Ramon and Steven Marbelli of
Timrith Transport who are tenderers for HSC 21/23.
Declarable Conflict of Interest 23 November 2021 - Item 3.6
Cr Kate Milton She has a conflict where a reasonable person might think she could be biased. Declarable Conflict of Interest 2 November 2021 - Item 2.5
Cr Kate Milton She has a registered gravel pit (5,000 tonnes) and she may be approached by
one of the contractors for gravel.
Declarable Conflict of Interest 2 November 2021 - Item 2.4
Cr Kate Milton She has a registered gravel pit (5,000 tonnes) and she may be approached by
one of the contractors for gravel.
Declarable Conflict of Interest 2 November 2021 - Item 2.3
Cr Donna Marbelli She is an employee of tender submitter Kienan Blanco who owns Healthy
Figures t/a Tweak Fitness.
Declarable Conflict of Interest 2 November 2021 - Item 2.5
Cr Donna Marbelli Her husband Paul is related as first cousin to Ramon and Steven Marbelli of Timrith Transport who are tenderers for HSC 21/23. Declarable Conflict of Interest 2 November 2021 - Item 2.4
Cr Donna Marbelli Her husband Paul is related as first cousin to Ramon and Steven Marbelli of Timrith Transport who are tenderers for HSC 21/21. Declarable Conflict of Interest 2 November 2021 - Item 2.3
Cr Ramon Jayo He is related as Uncle to David and Sharna Girgenti who are the applicants. Declarable Conflict of Interest 28 September 2021 - Item 3.6
Cr Mary Brown She is a member of the Abergowrie/Long Pocket QLD Country Women’s Association who is the applicant. Declarable Conflict of Interest 28 September 2021 - Item 3.10
Cr Mary Brown  She is related as Aunt to Joshua Russell who is the applicant. Declarable Conflict of Interest  28 September 2021 - Item 3.5
Cr Mary Brown  She is a sponsor of the Ingham Sugar City Rodeo. Declarable Conflict of Interest 31 August 2021 - Late Agenda Item 
Cr Donna Marbelli Her husband Paul is related as first cousin to Ramon and Steven Marbelli of Timrith Transport who are tenderers for HSC 21/09. Declarable Conflict of Interest 31 August 2021 - Item 3.4
Cr Wally Skinner His wife Rhonda is a Committee Member of the Riding for the Disabled Association Incorporated. Prescribed Conflict of Interest 27 July 2021 - Item 3.13
Cr Kate Milton  Potential commercial matter. Declarable Conflict of Interest 29 June 2021 - Item 3.17
Cr Donna Marbelli Her husband Paul is related as cousin to Ramon and Steven Marbelli of Timrith Transport who are tenderers for HSC 21/04. Declarable Conflict of Interest 29 June 2021 - Item 3.8
Cr Ramon Jayo He is a director of the Hinchinbrook Community Support Centre. Prescribed Conflict of Interest 25 May 2021 - Item 1.4
Cr Wally Skinner His wife Rhonda Skinner is a Committee Member of the Ingham Riding for the Disabled Association Incorporated.  Prescribed Conflict of Interest 25 May 2021 - Item 3.5
Cr Donna Marbelli Her father-in-law Luigi Marbelli is a Committee Member of the Macknade Community Sporting Club. Declarable Conflict of Interest 25 May 2021 - Item 2.3
Cr Donna Marbelli Her husband Paul is related as cousin to Ramon and Steven Marbelli of Timrith Transport who are tenderers for HSC 21/06. Declarable Conflict of Interest 25 May 2021 - Item 3.8
Cr Donna Marbelli Ramon and Steven Marbelli of Timrith Transport who is the contractor for subject land are her husband’s cousins. Declarable Conflict of Interest 27 April 2021 - Item 3.11
Cr Donna Marbelli Michael Pisano who is a landholder along Sunnybank Road is her husband’s uncle. Declarable Conflict of Interest 27 April 2021 - Item 1.6
Cr Wally Skinner He owns property serviced by Baillies Road. Declarable Conflict of Interest 30 March 2021 - Item 4.4
Cr Kate Milton  She owns properties serviced by Milton Road and Allendale Road. Declarable Conflict of Interest 30 March 2021 - Item 4.4
Cr Wally Skinner  He owns property serviced by Baillies Road. Declarable Conflict of Interest 30 March 2021 - Item 1.4
Cr Mary Brown  She is a member on the Gilroy Santa Maria Finance Committee. Declarable Conflict of Interest 30 March 2021 - Item 3.9
Cr Mary Brown She is a business owner which operates at the Aerodrome and is a Member of the Airport Reference Committee. Declarable Conflict of Interest 30 March 2021 - Item 1.6
Cr Donna Marbelli She is related to applicant Stephanie Ruggieri (nee Pisano) who is her husband’s first cousin. Declarable Conflict of Interest 30 March 2021 - Item 3.5
Cr Ramon Jayo He is a property owner that may or may not be affected by the Halifax Levee. Declarable Conflict of Interest 23 February 2021 - Item 3.9
Cr Donna Marbelli She is a property owner that is affected by the Halifax Levee. Declarable Conflict of Interest 23 February 2021 - Item 3.9
Cr Andrew Lancini  He is a property owner that is affected by the Halifax Levee. Declarable Conflict of Interest 23 February 2021 - Item 3.9
Cr Andrew Lancini Related to a submitter for this Tender. Declarable Conflict of Interest 27 January 2021 - Item 1.5
Cr Donna Marbelli Ramon and Steven Marbelli of Timrith Transport are her husband’s cousins. Declarable Conflict of Interest 15 December 2020 - Item 3.8
Cr Donna Marbelli Michael Pisano who is a landholder along Sunnybank Road is her husband’s uncle. Declarable Conflict of Interest  15 December 2020 - Item 1.4

Cr Kate Milton

Personal friendship with Cassandra Blanco who is the wife of a tenderer namely Blanco’s Carpentry, whom she has known since her childhood as a close family friend.

Conflict of Interest 

29 September 2020 - Item 1.4

Cr Mary Brown

Owns a business in the Aerodrome Precinct

Conflict of Interest 

29 September 2020 - Item 1.4

Cr Donna Marbelli

Husband being related as a cousin to Ramon and Steven Marbelli of Timrith Transport who are the Tender submitter.

Conflict of Interest 

25 August 2020 - Item 3.11 and 3.12

Cr Kate Milton

Sister-in-Law and Nephew are the adjoining landowners.

Conflict of Interest 

25 August 2020 - Item 3.9

Cr Mary Brown

Director of organisation.

Conflict of Interest 

25 August 2020 - Item 3.5

Cr Mary Brown

Treasure of the Hinchinbrook Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Tourism.

Conflict of Interest 

25 August 2020 - Item 2.3

Cr Wallis Skinner

Related as cousin to submitters against the application Ralph and Natarlee Poppi.

Conflict of Interest 

28 July 2020 - Item 3.4

Cr Donna Marbelli

Husband being related as a cousin to Ramon and Steven Marbelli of Timrith Transport who are the applicant.

Conflict of Interest 

28 July 2020 - Item 3.4

Cr Mary Brown

She is the Treasurer of the Hinchinbrook Chamber of Commerce

Conflict of Interest 

28 July 2020 - Item 2.4

Cr Kate Milton

Related as aunt to Robert and Debbie Hobbs who are adjoining landowners.

Conflict of Interest 

28 July 2020 - Item 1.8

Cr Donna Marbelli

Husband being related as a cousin to Ramon and Steven Marbelli of Timrith Transport who are a Tender submitter for these construction contracts

Conflict of Interest 

28 July 2020 - Items 1.5 and 1.6

Cr Wallis Skinner

Owner of a block that adjoins the drain abutting Trebonne Road

Conflict of Interest 

30 June 2020 - Item 1.7

Cr Kate Milton

Related as Aunt to landowners 

Conflict of Interest 

26 May 2020 - Item 3.5

Cr Mary Brown 

Owns a business in the Aerodrome Precinct 

Conflict of Interest 

28 April 2020 - Item 3.12

Cr Andrew Lancini 

Adjoining property owner of the land 

Conflict of Interest 

28 April 2020 - Item 3.10

Cr Kate Milton 

Related as Aunt to landowners 

Conflict of Interest 

28 April 2020 - Item 1.6
