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Property Buying, Selling and Searches

Buying property or land is often one of the largest investments you make and you will need to do some research before you purchase. Property records are important to consider if you are buying or selling a property. Gathering information about a property prior to purchase can assist you during the sale process and in the long run.

Information such as if building or planning approvals are current, what is identified in the Planning Scheme for the property and if there are outstanding financial charges related to the property is valuable to inform your purchasing decision.   

The following property searches are available through the Hinchinbrook Shire Council:

For information on the searches please see below. 

Town Planning Search

Checking for previous applications or approvals before buying or developing a property can save you time and money. Council offer various types of planning searches as listed below.

The purpose of the planning & development certificate is to provide information applicable to specific premises on planning scheme provisions, infrastructure charges or agreements and development approvals.

For further information, please visit our Planning & Development page.

Health Search

This search involves a desk top review and a physical inspection of the food business. A photographic report is compiled detailing in which aspects the business may be non-compliant with food business standards. The Health Search can be used as a price negotiation tool if there are aspects of the business that may require repairing or upgrading.

If you are looking at purchasing a food business and would like a Health Search, please contact our Regulatory Services team on 4776 4600.

Rates and Water Search

A rates search provides full rates financial information including if there are any arrears or interest outstanding for a particular property.

You can also request a water meter reading, which is completed on a specific date. This search provides details of current water usage charges and if there is an outstanding balance for a particular property.

For further information, please visit our Rates and Water Search page.

Flood Search

A 100 Year Flood certificate and Storm Surge certificate provides information and guidelines for new buildings or structures under the Hinchinbrook Shire Planning Scheme. Minimum habitable floor levels are in place for building developments for commercial or industrial purposes.

Where the minimum habitable floor level is being used to carry out new structural or building work, a building certifier or the like may require confirmation that this level has been achieved.

For further information, please visit our Mapping Services page. 
