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Letters of Support

Council often receives requests from individuals, businesses, community groups or organisations for letters of support to accompany grant funding applications. The information below outlines the process for requesting a Letter of Support from Council.


A Letter of Support submitted with your grant application helps demonstrate that you have discussed your project with the people who are essential in ensuring the project has the best chance of success, and that you have their support. 

If your project involves a cultural or religious group, then you will also need to show that you have the support of the elders or leaders of these groups.

Council is committed to supporting our community to attract funding for projects that align with Council’s strategic goals and priorities, values and our Corporate Plan, and we understand that providing support for programs, projects and events can strengthen your grant application, and can be critical for securing funding.

Although a letter of support from Council can add weight to an applicants’ grant submission, it should be noted that the provision of a letter of support does not automatically result in Council playing a role in the project and does not constitute automatic Council approval for the project.

In Principle Support

When supplying a Letter of Support, Council is providing in principle support. This means Council is in favour of it, based on the information provided.  The principle/idea seems good, and Council agrees with the outcome of community benefit received. The Mayor is authorised to provide Letters of Support for ‘in principle’ support as Council’s official spokesperson.

Other Types of Support

If an organisation or group requires either inkind or partnership support, they may need to meet with Council at a Connect Session. As these types of support requires approval from the full Council, your request should be submitted for consideration two months in advance of when the outcome is required.


Requests can be submitted by completing the Request for Letter of Support Form web form at the bottom of this page, downloading and completing a pdf version of the form, providing a template letter or providing the required information in writing as early as possible to council@hinchinbrook.qld.gov.au to allow for research, evaluation and preparation.

Download Letter of Support Request Form

Information Required

An organisation may provide a template letter of support to Council containing the below information, alternatively they can complete a Request for Letter of Support Form.

All requests should include the following information:

  • The name of the organisation or group who are making the request for the Letter of Support;
  • Contact person;
  • Address;
  • Telephone number;
  • Email;
  • The project name the Letter of Support is requested for;
  • Name of the grant for which you are applying;
  • The amount of funding requested;
  • Grant due date;
  • Grant organisation; and
  • Any other comments which are relevant.
Letters of Support may not be provided if:
  • Council is applying for grant funding from the same funding body, and it is considered that the application will be in direct competition with Council’s application;
  • Council operates a program similar or the same as that of the application;
  • Objectives of the application or request do not fit with Council’s strategic objectives and/or priorities; or
  • There is an expectation to continue the event/project beyond reasonable timeframes.
Additional Information

Should you have any questions or require further information, please contact the Office of the Mayor and Chief Executive Officer on (07) 4776 4602.

Click here to Download the Letters of Support Guidelines

Letters of Support - Request Form

Application Details


Contact Name



Postal Address

Details of Organisation Number of members, length of establishment

Community Support How does your organisation support the community

Name of Grant/Funding Opportunity

Grant Organisation

Date Letter Required

Project Information

Project Name

Project Description

Project Benefits How will the project benefit the community?

Additional Comments

Make a Request

Make a Request

Request a service, make an enquiry or report an issue.

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