It is important to thoroughly wash and disinfect every part of your home that has been inundated by floodwaters.
General hygiene
- Wash all surfaces that have been inundated to reduce the danger of flood related infections
- Boil all drinking water or drink bottled water only until supplies have been declared safe by health authorities.
- Discard medication that may be contaminated through contact with floodwater.
- Discard all foods exposed to flood waters except those in sealed airtight cans
- Use disinfectant when cleaning
- Wash your hands thoroughly with a disinfectant soap after handling contaminated articles and before eating or drinking
- Shower thoroughly after the clean-up and use antiseptic soaps
- Disinfect any cuts quickly and cover with a waterproof dressing
Furniture Mattresses soaked with flood water are difficult to salvage and should be discarded
- Place pieces of wood or aluminium foil under furniture with castors or metal caps to avoid staining carpets
- Remove the backs of the furniture piece to let air circulate through it
- Do not force open swollen doors, windows or drawers
- Upholstered furniture is rarely recoverable and should be disposed of
- Check all drawers and cupboards for valuable or sentimental personal contents before disposing
Floor coverings
- If carpeting is left on the floor it is at risk of mould, decay, mildew and warping and removing carpets can cause shrinkage
- If linoleum is broken, brittle and cannot be salvaged; remove it and be sure to let the underfloor thoroughly dry before laying any type of floor covering
- Do not use any electricity until you have had the power supply reconnected and have appliances checked by a qualified licensed electrician
- Ensure sewerage and drainage lines are safe before using dishwashers and washing machines
- Clean and disinfect dishwashers, washing machines and dryers prior to use
- Check and professionally clean refrigerators and freezers prior to use
- Unplug all electrical appliances affected by water and have them inspected by a licensed electrical contractor before use
- Do not operate electrical appliances or switches while standing in water or bare feet
- Have a licensed electrical contractor check or isolate any parts of your electrical installation that have been affected by water – especially if the switchboard has been submerged or if your safety switch has tripped
- Take extra care around your switchboard. If it’s outdoors, wear synthetic or rubber soled shoes. If you are in any doubt about your switchboard’s safety, stay clear and call your licensed electrical contractor.
- Disinfect refrigerators, freezers and dishwashers after they have been checked by an electrician
- Dispose of soft, porous plastic and wooden items that have been in contact with floodwater
- Hand wash dishes and pots that have been in contact with floodwater using disinfectant
- Air dry disinfected dishes, do not use a tea towel