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About Council

Learn more about the Hinchinbrook Shire Council

Citizenship Ceremonies

Hinchinbrook Shire Council Citizenship Ceremonies

Events Calendar

A place where you can find and share events that are happening in the Hinchinbrook community.


Disaster and Emergency Information

The best time to prepare for a disaster is well before one is even on its way. Planning well means nothing is left to chance and that everyone knows what they need to do and where things are.

Because cyclones and floods are a part of life in the North, it’s easy to become complacent. Sadly, some people have perished in floods and cyclones because they were not prepared or did not follow the warnings.

Make sure you are disaster ready

Hinchinbrook Report Disaster Ready Resource 

This is an important resource with key contacts, flood height comparison charts for Ingham and Lower Herbert - Halifax, storm tide evacuation information, a list of local radio stations and some quick guides on how to prepare.

Keep it handy and hold on to it throughout this disaster season!

Severe Weather long-range forecast 2024-2025

Important Contacts

Listed below are important contacts that may be needed during disaster and emergency situations. Residents are reminded to record important contact details on their Emergency Plan such as all householder mobile phone numbers, other numbers such as work, school, childcare providers, friends, neighbours, your household emergency contacts and the disaster and  emergency numbers listed below. 

Important Contacts Contact Number  Website 
Life Threatening Emergencies (Police Ambulance, Fire) 000 www.triplezero.gov.au
SES Assistance  132 500 www.ses.qld.gov.au
Road Information  131 940 www.qldtraffic.qld.gov.au
Hinchinbrook Shire Council  (07) 4776 4600 www.hinchinbrook.qld.gov.au
Bureau of Meteorology  1300 659 210 www.bom.gov.au
Disaster Management Queensland www.disaster.qld.gov.au
Register.Find.Reunite www.register.redcross.org.au