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Learn more about the Hinchinbrook Shire Council

Citizenship Ceremonies

Hinchinbrook Shire Council Citizenship Ceremonies

Events Calendar

A place where you can find and share events that are happening in the Hinchinbrook community.


Ingham Airport

The Hinchinbrook Shire Aerodrome is located about 1.5kms south of the Ingham township on the Bruce Highway.  Ingham Aerodrome technical data may be downloaded from attachment below.

Information on Protection of PANS-OPS surfaces for Non-Precision Approach Procedures is available here

PLEASE NOTE: Military Flying Activity around Ingham Aerodrome Sunday 12 May to Tuesday 4 June 2024 

Council wishes to advise that from Sunday 12 May to Tuesday 4 June 2024 there will be increased flying of military aircraft in the vicinity of Ingham.

This will include small, fast-moving aircraft, cargo aircraft and Chinook helicopters operating in the vicinity of Lucinda to Ingham, Abergowrie and Mount Fox.

Any enquiries in relation to the Hinchinbrook Shire Aerodrome facilities can be made to the Aerodrome Reporting Officer, Russell Andrews, on telephone 0408 455 726 or Bob Milne, on telephone 0437 089 704.
