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Deceased Search

Council maintains records of people interred at our cemeteries. The Online Burial Register makes it easy to locate the resting place of a loved one or to research family history and genealogy.

Only records of interments in Hinchinbrook Shire Council cemeteries and the privately owned Victoria Estate Cemetery are available through the Online Burial Register. The records are continuously updated as new interments are entered and older information is updated.

Disclaimer: All records are as accurate as the past and current recording procedures permit. Whilst Council makes every effort to ensure burial information is accurate, Council makes no warranty, guarantee or promise, expressed or implied, concerning the content of this Register.


Search tips

To help with your search, you should:

  • Search by all, or part of, the name (surname or first name);
  • Try different spellings; and
  • Filter by Cemetery if the Cemetery is known

Note: Sometimes adding less information is better. Most of the search tool information is transcribed from old burial books where the handwriting can be illegible or hard to read (e.g. 'Anderson' may be spelt 'Andersen', so try 'Ander'). 

No Record or Incorrect/Missing Data

The information contained in the Online Burial Register has been generated from Council records. Unfortunately, not all interments are recorded or accurate. This is due to poorly kept records including illegible handwriting, missing paperwork or damaged burial maps. If no record is found or you require further specific information on a certain person, you can complete the Cemetery Enquiry Form available from the Cemetery Menu accessed through the above link, or contact Council via email council@hinchinbrook.qld.gov.au or telephone 07 4776 4600.

You can also order a Death Certificate from Births, Deaths and Marriages. All Death Certificates show the location of the burial or cremation. For more information, visit the births, deaths, marriages and divorces section of the Queensland Government website.  

Council can add or amend official burial records if you can provide a copy of a Birth or Death Certificate with the correct details. You can email a copy of your Certificate to Council at council@hincinbrook.qld.gov.au to request an addition or correction. Council cannot amend official burial records using newspaper clippings or family history research.

Information in Burial Records

 Council is currently only able to record the following information in our online burial records database:

  • Name
  • Date of Death
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Cemetery and Plot Location

Date of birth and a photograph of the headstone or grave may be available at a future date. If you require a photograph of a grave you can contact Council on 07 4776 4600 to request this service.

Further Information

Should you have any queries or require further information please contact Council's Regulatory Services department on 07 4776 4600.
