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Hinchinbrook Shire Council Citizenship Ceremonies

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Community Grants

Hinchinbrook Shire Council is committed to assisting local not-for-profit community groups and organisations by providing community grants in an equitable and accountable manner. In order to ensure community assistance will benefit the Shire and our residents, Council has developed a Community Grants program.

The Hinchinbrook Shire Community Grants program funds local projects, events and activities which help develop resilient, adaptive and vibrant communities while contributing to the social wellbeing of its residents, workers and visitors.

Categories of grant funding available

Council’s aim is to support a variety of organisations and activities throughout the Shire by offering financial assistance in the following categories:

  • Local Community Support;
  • Youth Achievement;
  • Community Activity; and
  • Regional Economic Development.

Financial assistance is available throughout the financial year until annual allocated grant funds have been expended. 


To be considered eligible for a Community Grant an organisation or individual must:

  • Reside within the Hinchinbrook Shire;
  • Operate within the Hinchinbrook Shire by way of a demonstrated client base, membership base or similar;
  • Be a not-for-profit entity (for Community Activity and Regional Economic Development applications);
  • Be a commercial/for-profit entity (for Regional Economic Development applications only);
  • Be free of debt to Hinchinbrook Shire Council;
  • Have relevant public liability insurance cover;
  • Enhance opportunities for community inclusion including community benefit;
  • Enhance civic pride and sense of place derived from the community activities including a willingness to work co-operatively with other organisations;
  • Share expected outcomes of the Community Activity;
  • Source support for the Community Activity, including but not limited to cash and labour support;
  • Abide by requirements of each activity category;
  • Demonstrate level of benefit to the community;
  • Submit previous event acquittal forms;
  • Enhance opportunities for local economic activity including locally sourced supplies, materials and services. This includes the flow on economic benefit to sectors such as accommodation providers, service providers and the like; and
  • Complete the Community Grants Application Form.

The level of assistance available through the program is limited by the Council’s Annual Budget and its priorities identified in its plans and strategies. Applications for funding are not guaranteed nor is it guaranteed the applicant will be awarded the full amount requested. It is important that each applicant consider these limitations when preparing the request for assistance.


The following table will be used to ascertain applicant eligibility:

How to apply

In order to apply for a Community Grant, please download the Community Grant Application:

  • Read the Policy carefully before completing this application;
  • Application/s should be typed or neatly handwritten;
  • ALL questions must be answered;
  • Remember to KEEP A COPY of your application/s and list of enclosures for acquittal purposes;
  • Incomplete applications will NOT be assessed;
  • For a more detailed description of your event further papers may be attached;
  • DO NOT bind your applications. Staple at left hand top corner only.

For more details on eligibility requirements please refer to the Community Grants Application Form or Contact us

Make a Request

Make a Request

Request a service, make an enquiry or report an issue.

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