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Flood Recovery

A few important points to remember after a flood event are listed below. 

  • Have a battery operated radio and tune into your local radio station and heed warnings and advice
  • If you have evacuated, don’t return home until officially advised it is safe and don’t panic. Wait until water has fallen below floor level to enter a house
  • Don’t use electric appliances if wet
  • Beware of damaged power lines, bridges and trees.
  • Do not enter floodwaters - if it’s flooded forget it
  • Heed all warnings and don’t go sightseeing. Instead, check and offer help to neighbours, friends and family
  • Don’t make unnecessary telephone calls
  • Check whether electricity, gas or water supplies have been affected
  • Wear rubber boots or rubber-soled shoes and rubber or leather gloves
  • Watch for damaged flooring, walls and ceilings as well as unexpected visitors such as snakes
  • Treat all items exposed to floodwater as contaminated
  • Dispose of rubbish, wash mud, dirt and debris as soon as you can and wash hands thoroughly after handling anything that has been in contact with floodwater
  • Follow any instructions for treating water and discard any food exposed to floodwater unless in airtight containers

For more information on what to do after a flood event, download the below booklet prepared by Emergency Management Australia. 

What to do before, during and after a flood

Hinchinbrook Shire Council Recovery Plan 

The Hinchinbrook Shire Council Recovery Plan (the Recovery Plan) has been developed following the impacts of the flooding in the region associated with the North Queensland Flooding Event of 6 – 10 March 2018 and Severe Tropical Cyclone Nora and Associated Flooding Event of 24 – 29 March 2018.

The Recovery Plan aims to provide the structure for a locally-led recovery approach that will assist disaster-impacted members of the community to recover quickly, effectively and remain sustainable. It also aims to incorporate development strategies within this recovery to enhance the resilience of all sectors of the community for subsequent disaster events.

This Recovery Plan establishes the context for recovery within the Hinchinbrook Shire related to the flooding events of March 2018. It describes the recovery governance arrangements and details key recovery tasks necessary to achieve successful recovery outcomes across the region. The Recovery Plan establishes important recovery milestones and estimated completion dates of associated projects. It also documents strategies and activities that will be undertaken to better prepare for, and reduce the impacts of future disaster events while enhancing Hinchinbrook’s resilience, sustainability and prosperity.

The Recovery Plan supports Council’s mission, “To shape a positive future for the Hinchinbrook community by understanding community needs and wants, building on our inherent strengths, recognising and maximising opportunities and facing our challenges head on”.

Hinchinbrook Shire Council Recovery Plan 

Rebuilding after a Flood 

For information on rebuilding after a Flood, please visit our Rebuilding after a Natural Disaster page.

Further information

For further information regarding cleaning up after a flood please visit the Queensland Government website, Recovery after a Disaster, Cleaning Up page.

Important Contacts Contact Number  Website 
Life Threatening Emergencies (Police Ambulance, Fire) 000 www.triplezero.gov.au
SES Assistance  132 500 www.ses.qld.gov.au
Road Information  131 940 www.qldtraffic.qld.gov.au
Hinchinbrook Shire Council  (07) 47764600 www.hinchinbrook.qld.gov.au
Bureau of Meteorology  www.bom.gov.au
Emergency Management Queensland (EMQ) www.disaster.qld.gov.au
Register.Find.Reunite www.register.redcross.org.au
Flooded Road Maps  www.floodwatersafety.initiatives.qld.gov.au/flooded-roads-map/
Ergon Energy  www.ergon.com.au/network/outages-and-disruptions/storms-and-disasters/flood-safety
