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Public Consultation Results

Please see below a list of public consultation and community survey results. If you require any further information regarding any of the information below please contact Council on 4776 4600

Ingham Memorial Gardens Concept Design Options

Council had engaged Civil IQ to provide a detailed design to convert the existing pond configuration at the Ingham Memorial Gardens into a Meandering Creek concept. 

The community was given the opportunity to have their say on the proposed ideas (Option 1 and Option 2), and put forward other local tributes from features, flora and fauna for the design. Both options allowed the Hinchinbrook community to make comments and suggestions, including recommendations of local artists to create features to place in the curves of the facility.

The consultation period was open from 8 December 2023 to 15 January 2024.

The following information is a summary of the results from the survey.

Ingham Memorial Gardens Concept Design Options - Survey Summary

Hinchinbrook Health and Wellbeing Program

Council conducted a survey requesting residents to provide feedback on its 2022 Hinchinbrook Health and Wellbeing Program. 

This program was previously targeted at residents aged 35 years plus, and seniors. The purpose of this consultation period was to improve the program and to better understand what residents would like to see in the 2023 program to increase participation. 

The consultation period opened online from Friday 6 September 2022 and closed 5.00pm Tuesday 4 October 2022.

The following information is a summary of the results from the survey. 

Hinchinbrook Health and Wellbeing Consultation Summary

New Ingham Cemetery Draft Masterplan Feedback

In July 2022 Hinchinbrook Shire Council requested community feedback on the draft Masterplan for the New Ingham Cemetery.

The aim of the Masterplan is to coordinate the development of the site and consider the potential for beautification and efficiencies whilst offering more interment choices throughout the New Ingham Cemetery.

The Masterplan responds to current demand and emerging trends whilst considering operational constraints, Council budget and community expectations.

The consultation was open online from Monday 4 July 2022 to Wednesday 20 July 2022.

The following information is a summary of the results from the survey.

New Ingham Cemetery Draft Masterplan Survey Summary

Coastal Reserves Community Survey

As a result of the recently completed community meetings (Lucinda - September 2021, Taylors Beach and Forrest Beach - April 2022), the public was invited to have their say on the future management options of their chosen coastal location via a community survey.

The survey was conducted over a three week period, closing on Thursday 30 June 2022 with a total of 63 responses received across the three localities. 

The following information is a summary of the results received from the community surveys for Lucinda, Taylors Beach and Forrest Beach.

Lucinda  Taylors Beach  Forrest Beach

Further information regarding this project can be found on the Shoreline Erosion Management Plan Community Consultation page. 

Rural Clean Up Program Community Consultation

On Friday 25 March 2022, Council commenced consultation on the current Rural Clean Up Program. 

The survey opened on Friday 25 March 2022 and closed on Sunday 3 April 2022 with only 17 responses received from the public.

Due to low responses received, the survey was extended from Monday 4 April to midnight Sunday 17 April 2022. In that period only a further 7 responses were received.

Please see below link to the consultation results. 

Rural Clean Up Program Consultation Results

Off-Leash Dog Park

In November 2021, Hinchinbrook Shire Council requested community feedback on the potential establishment of an off-leash dog park in Ingham.

The potential site that was being considered is located along the Bruce Highway, in the grass median strip between the northbound and southbound lanes, north of the railway tracks in Herbert Street Ingham.

The consultation was open online from Tuesday 16 November 2021 to Sunday 5 December 2021.

The following information is a summary of the results from the survey.

Consultation Summary Off-Leash Dog Park

Off Road Vehicles on Beach Areas Survey

In April 2018, Hinchinbrook Shire Council surveyed the community to assess public sentiment regarding the use of Off Road Vehicles on Beach Areas.

Off-road vehicles include four-wheel drives (4WD) that are also usable on normal roads, quad and trail bikes, all-terrain vehicles, hovercraft and other amphibious watercraft.

The survey was open from 17 April to 4 May 2018, with 395 responses recorded during this period.

Mayor Ramon Jayo said 'The Off Road Vehicles on Beach Areas survey has been completed, with a clear majority of survey participants voting for vehicles to be allowed.  This survey was instigated by Council to determine the public’s views on the matter after much community complaint and concern of nuisance activities occurring.

'Comments received with the surveys also indicate that permission should not be carte blanche, but that restrictions towards designated access points and designated zones should apply, in the interests of environmental stewardship.' 

'Based on the indicative community attitude, discussions will now be progressed with the relevant State agencies on matters pertaining to the Queensland Coastal Plan and Environmental Protection Policies with a view to determining an environmentally appropriate and acceptable way forward.'

The following information is a summary of the results from the survey.

Off Road Vehicles on Beach Areas Survey Summary Data

Hinchinbrook Community Satisfaction Survey

In September 2017, Hinchinbrook Shire Council surveyed the community to assess public sentiment regarding Council Services, Facilities, Communication and Customer Service.

The survey was open for a two week period from 16 September to 30 September 2017. During this time respondents were able to take part in the survey online through Survey Monkey or via hard copy forms available to the public at the Council’s Main Office, Lannercost Street, Hinchinbrook Shire Library, Halifax sub-branch, Hinchinbrook Information and Visitor Lounge and the TYTO Regional Art Gallery.

The survey was advertised via the Hinchinbrook Shire Council website, Council’s Facebook page, Council’s Connections page in the Herbert River Express and via signage at locations where the survey was available. Online surveys were restricted to one survey response per device, however this restriction did not apply to IP addresses. Multiple responses were recorded from identical IP addresses in some instances.

The following information is a summary of the results from the community survey. 

Hinchinbrook Community Satisfaction Survey Summary

CBD Toilet Location Survey 

Hinchinbrook Shire Council has secured State Government funding, through Works for Queensland 2017-19, and has elected to install new public toilets around the Lannercost CBD area. The new facility is envisaged to be a three-room facility comprising of wheelchair-friendly male cubicle, a wheelchair-friendly female cubicle and a parents room including change table, seating facilities and toilet facilities.

To ensure that the facility has a positive impact on the community, Council conducted a community survey in November 2017 for the preferred location of the toilet facility. The survey was open for a two week period from 18 November to 1 December 2017 and respondents were able to take part in the survey online or via hard copy forms available to the public at the Council’s Main Office, Lannercost Street, Hinchinbrook Shire Library, Halifax sub-branch and the Hinchinbrook Information and Visitor Lounge.

The survey was advertised via the Hinchinbrook Shire Council website, Council’s Facebook page, Council’s Connections page in the Herbert River Express and via signage at locations where the survey was available.

The following information is a summary of the results from the CBD Toilet Location survey.

285 surveys were completed of which 251 responded to preferred location as follows:

88.05% (221 respondents) preferred Lannercost Street – central median strip near the covered walkway
adjacent to the pedestrian crossing near Coles

11.95% (30 respondents) preferred Johnstone Street carpark – at the end of Mercer Lane

50 responses were received for alternative locations of which:

  • 20 suggested in the vicinity of the Post Office
  • 9 suggested Blanco’s Butcher/ Overflow area
  • 3 suggested the skate park

A Report to Council was tabled on 27 February 2018 at Council General Meeting, please find attached full report including a recommendation for the proposed location of the CBD Toilet Facility.
