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Council is responsible for enforcing the microchipping requirements as outlined in the Animal Management (Cats and Dogs) Act 2008.

Since 10 April 2009 microchipping is mandatory for:

  All cats and dogs born on or after 10 April 2009 and before they reach 12 weeks of age (animals should be older than 8 weeks of age);

  •  Cats and dogs that have changed ownership (ie the animal has either been sold or given away)
  •  Declared regulated dogs (ie declared dangerous or menacing)

What is microchipping

Microchipping is a simple procedure in which a Vet implants the microchip under the skin of the cat or dog. The microchip is approximately the size of a grain of rice and does not cause any harmful effects to the animal.

Council advises that although cats are no longer required to be registered with Council, it is still mandatory to microchip cats.

Whilst it is not compulsory to microchip cats and dogs that were born before 10 April 2009, Council strongly recommends microchipping to ensure a speedy return of your pet should it become lost, injured, impounded or involved in an incident.

Pets may go missing by accident (eg if gates or doors are left open) or they may escape from boredom, fear or in search of a mate. Attractive and valuable pets may also be stolen.

Owners must remember to contact the Microchip Database (contact details of which are on the microchipping paperwork) to change details of ownership as well as contacting Council to make the required amendments to the registration details on the Animal Database.

Further information can be obtained by contacting Regulatory Services on (07) 4776 4600 or by emailing Council through our Make an Enquiry page. 
