Congratulations to the Hinchinbrook Shire Australia Day Award Nominees for 2019 who have made an outstanding contribution to the community, and for their exceptional achievement in a variety of areas.
Congratulations to the Hinchinbrook Shire Australia Day Award Nominees for 2019 who have made an outstanding contribution to the community, and for their exceptional achievement in a variety of areas.
Jonte Grazioli – Nominated for his achievements in football (soccer), cricket, cross country, rugby league, swimming, netball, touch football and athletics. Jonte is 2018 Ingham State High School Sportsman of the Year. He represented North Queensland in football, cricket and athletics and has represented Herbert River and his school in football, cricket, rugby league, netball and touch football.
Hayley Carey – Nominated for her sporting achievements in netball, touch football, swimming, athletic, cross country, rugby league and rugby 7’s. Hayley is 2018 Ingham State High School Sportswoman of the Year. She represented North Queensland in Netball and Touch Football and has represented Herbert River and her school in netball, touch football, swimming, athletics, rugby league and rugby 7’s.
Jordan Di Bella – Nominated for his sporting achievements in squash, touch football and rugby league. Jordan represented Queensland U15 Schoolboys squash team and competed at the 2018 Australian Junior Championships. He is currently ranked 6 in Queensland in U17 boys for squash. Jordan represented North Queensland in squash and rugby league and is Junior touch referee coordinator.
Lachlan Buckman – Nominated for his sporting achievements in athletics, touch football and aquathlon. Lachlan represented Queensland at the Australian school track and field championships, represented Queensland Country at the schoolboys state championships for soccer and represented North Queensland for school soccer, touch football and aquathlon.
Joe Pennisi – Nominated for his contributions to the community through his life-long commitment to rugby league. Joe has played and coached all levels of rugby league. He is the current president of the Herbert River Crushers Rugby League and life member of both the Herbert River Crushers Rugby League and Herbert River Junior Rugby League Clubs. He is still coaching rugby league.
Chloe Day – Nominated for her contribution in the cultural field within Ingham State High School, the local community and as a representative at a State event. Chloe was selected to represent her school at Creative Generation in Brisbane. She has also choreographed and performed in dances for all school events and mentors other students. Chloe received the cultural award at Ingham State High School.
Brooke Harpin – Nominated for her contribution in the cultural field within Ingham State High School and the local community. Brooke received the highest cultural award at Ingham State High School as well as art and drama subject prizes. She displays artwork at various exhibitions across Hinchinbrook and Cardwell. Brook also participates in all areas of dance in addition to mentoring and choreographing other dance students.
Paul Hallam – Nominated for his contributions to the community through volunteering for numerous organisations throughout the district. Paul excels with food art and regularly delivers it to the community through event workshops free of charge. Paul is selfless and tireless in the pursuit of adding joy to others’ lives.
Betty Craissel – Nominated for demonstrating great community pride. On a daily basis Betty can be observed collecting rubbish from the side of the road between Ingham and Victoria Mill. This demonstrates great community pride, sets a good example for our younger generation and assists in keeping a clean environment.
Joe Pennisi – Nominated for his contributions to the community through his life-long commitment to rugby league. Joe has played and coached all levels of rugby league and is the current president of the Herbert River Crushers and life member of both the Herbert River Crushers and Herbert River Junior Rugby League Clubs. Has held many positions within the club over a number of years.
Paul Hallam – Nominated for his contribution to the community through volunteering for numerous organisations throughout the district. Paul devotes his time, passion and energy to the Hinchinbrook Shire including educating both the young and old on the importance of healthy eating. He delivers free workshops to the community with food art and is selfless in adding joy to others’ lives.
Queensland Country Women’s Association – Annual High Tea Party – This successful event was held in September 2018 and attracted over 100 participants from around the district. It was designed as a fundraiser to assist in maintenance costs of the hall, however it was much more than that, connecting local women both young and old in many ways.
Forrest Beach Progress Association – Forrest Beach Community Newsletter – For 25 years the Progress Association has delivered a free community based monthly newsletter providing residents with a variety of information and is also provides a cost effective avenue to share information with the wider community. Circulation of this newsletter has increased and electronic distribution is also now occurring. It provides local businesses an economical form of advertising locally.
Ingham Sugar City Rodeo – The 2018 Ingham Sugar City Rodeo was the 23rd consecutive rodeo held in Ingham. This rodeo is rodeo is run by volunteers and draws competitors and spectators from across Queensland each year. Funds raised at the event are donated to local charities.
Ashlea Dickson – Nominated for her contributions to the community, Ashlea models exemplary citizenship and attitude towards her peers and the community. She is a team player and is always willing to assist in all endeavours and events.
Carlo Cavallo – Nominated for his contributions to the community as a volunteer in various service clubs over many years he has held many executive positions on these clubs, including being a past District Governor for Lions. He was also one of the founders of Brothers Rugby League Club and is currently an active member of the Lions Club and Noorla Bowls Club.
Betty Craissel – Nominated for demonstrating great community pride, Betty is often seen collecting rubbish between Ingham and Victoria Mill. She is not compensated in any way for doing this and does it purely out of pride in the community. This sets a good example for the younger generation and assists in environmental improvement.
Paul Hallam – Nominated for his contribution to the community through volunteering for numerous organisations throughout the district. Paul excels with food art and regularly delivers it to the community through event workshops free of charge. Paul devotes his time, passion and energy to the Hinchinbrook Shire including educating both the young and old on the importance of healthy eating. He continuously gives his time skills to the wider community.