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A place where you can find and share events that are happening in the Hinchinbrook community.


Have Your Say

Hinchinbrook Shire Council invites you to 'Have Your Say' about important decisions regarding proposed development for our region.

Development Applications on Public Display

The following development applications are currently on public display/notification:


3-5 Gossner Street, Lucinda

Material Change of Use - Short-term Accommodation

Thursday 28 November 2024 


Thursday 19 December 2024

See below document links Not Applicable

Documents for the above application are available below:

Public Submissions 

What is a submission?

Members of the public can support or oppose impact assessable development applications by making a formal submission. A submission is a written statement supporting or opposing a proposed development.

Acceptable submissions

To be considered "properly made", a submission must:

  • be in writing and signed by each person;
  • include the name and address of each person;
  • clearly identify the application reference number;
  • state the grounds of the submission; and
  • be received by Council during the formal public notification period.

Council needs to understand the reasons behind your submission. For example, if you think the type of development proposed for your area is unsuitable, you need to say why it is unsuitable, not simply that you do not like it.

A person who makes a properly made submission is called the 'submitter'.  All submissions are considered in the assessment of the application. Once the application is decided and the applicant appeal period has ended, a copy of the Decision Notice is sent to all submitters; or the first person on the list of 'submitters' if the submission was signed by several people (e.g. a petition).

Lodging a submission

You can make a submission in writing to:

Attention: Planning and Development Team
Hinchinbrook Shire Council
PO Box 366

Submissions can also be emailed to: council@hinchinbrook.qld.gov.au 

Submissions are NOT confidential. State legislation requires Council to keep copies of submissions available for inspection and purchase by members of the public until such time as the application is finalised. Council is also required to publish the submission on Council's website.

Council has made the decision to continue to publish submissions on Council’s website, even after the application has been finalised. Submissions may also be viewed at a later date as part of a right to information request response.

Names, addresses and email addresses for each submission will be attached to the decision notice for the application. This will be given to the applicant and published on Council’s website.

Grounds for submission

The following are examples of grounds for submissions (if applicable):

  • Whether the proposed use is consistent with the intent for the area;
  • Whether the scale and design of the proposed development is compatible with surrounding development;
  • How the development addresses the street and interfaces with adjoining properties;
  • Any potential traffic and car parking issues associated with the development;
  • Hours of operation; 
  • How the development may impact on drainage patterns in the area;
  • How the development fits with any objective of the planning scheme to protect and enhance the natural environment; and/or
  • Adverse amenity impacts, such as dust or noise.