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Council Connections - 4 July 2024

4th July 2024

General Meeting Update and Adoption of 2024-2025 Budget and Operational Plan

June 2024 General Meeting Update

At the General Meeting held on Tuesday 25 June 2024, Council:

  • Adopted the 2024-2025 Schedule of Fees and Charges. This took effect from Monday 1 July 2024;
  • Approved the Herbert River Pastoral and Agricultural Association's funding application for a Community Grant.
  • Council will provide $10,000 in support of the 2024 Ingham Show;
  • Approved the Development Application to undertake Operational Works for replacement of the Taylors Beach sandbag seawall with a rock seawall. The existing sandbag seawall is in a state of significant disrepair which compromises its effectiveness. The new rock seawall will enhance the stability of the shoreline, reduce the risk of erosion and incorporate recreational amenities for public use; and
  • Approved the nominated date of Friday 4 July 2025 for the Ingham Show Public Holiday.

Other updates from the General Meeting include:

  • Council has been allocated $3,230,000 over a three year period under the Works for Queensland (W4Q) Program 2024-2027.
  • W4Q provides funding for infrastructure maintenance, upgrades and replacement, essential planning projects, capability development and improvement initiatives.
  • Council has reviewed and agreed on the list of projects to be submitted for inclusion in this program.

To read the full Agenda and Minutes, please visit Council’s Website, Meeting and Minutes page.

Council Adopts 2024-2025 Budget and Operational Plan with a focus on Managing for Sustainability

At the Special Budget Meeting held yesterday, Wednesday 3 July 2024, Council adopted the Budget and Operational Plan for 2024-2025.

In developing this Budget, Council has been determined to deliver a measured and responsible plan, mindful of the cost of living pressures both Council and our community face.

“Faced with the obligation to make decisions that ensure the long term financial sustainability of Council, we have balanced this with the requirement to deliver meaningful services and infrastructure the community needs now and into the future” stated Mayor Ramon Jayo.

The Budget outlines Council’s $45 million worth of projects and activities for the next financial year, including an $11 million Capital Works Program. Despite inflationary pressures and rising costs of wages, materials, electricity, and fuel, Council has worked hard to absorb these costs whilst maintaining existing services and keeping this year’s rates rise as low as possible. The general rates for an average residential home will increase by $1.10 a week, while the average increase in rates and charges Shire-wide is expected to be approximately $4.30 per week.

Council has retained the 10% rate cap for residential and farming communities, ensuring rates do not increase by more than 10%, regardless of changes in property valuations. Additionally, Council will continue to provide a rebate of 20% to a maximum of $200 for applicable pensioners, alongside State Government pensioner rebates.

Supporting the community further, Council is offering free disposal of domestic green waste and two free vouchers for general domestic waste disposal at Warrens Hill Landfill and Resource Recovery Centre and Halifax Resource Recovery Centre. Community and sporting organisations are encouraged to take advantage of generous rate concessions available to them.

Council is also supporting an active lifestyle by trialling free public access to the Ingham Showgrounds and offering significantly reduced fees for Ingham Showgrounds hire. The Operational Plan, closely aligned with the Budget, emphasises investing in staff and systems to improve service quality and responsiveness. Economic development is a key focus, alongside continuing usual business activities.

The 2024-2025 Capital Program, at a modest $11 million, balances new and continuing projects across various community assets.

Major projects include:

  • Warrens Hill Landfill Cell One Capping Works - $3,027,431;
  • Upgrade of Copley’s Road Bridge $2,640,000;
  • 2024-2025 Fleet Replacement Program: $1,740,000;
  • Digital Telemetry System (SCADA) Upgrade: $750,000;
  • Lucinda Commercial Jetty Upgrade: $455,000;
  • Gravel Resheeting Program (across multiple locations): $450,000;
  • TechnologyOne and Systems Improvement Project: $400,000;
  • Installation of Roof Top Solar for the TYTO Precinct: $300,000;
  • Pavement renewal and widening along Cooks Lane: $300,000;
  • Annual Bitumen Reseal Program (across multiple locations): $246,000;
  • Pavement rehabilitation along Pappins Road: $213,462;
  • Reconstruction of the Taylors Beach Revetment Wall: $200,000;
  • Sewerage Pump Station Renewal Program: $165,000;
  • Hydrant Inspection and Flow Testing Program: $150,000;
  • Lucinda Foreshore Clearing and Mulching: $80,000; and
  • Mount Fox Campground Facilities Upgrade: $70,000.

“This budget balances our commitment to maintaining the lifestyle we enjoy in the Hinchinbrook Shire with the economic challenges we continue to face” Mayor Jayo emphasised.

Council will advocate strongly for the community in the upcoming Queensland State and Commonwealth elections. This financial year will be filled with unpredictable challenges within a global context, but our community will face these times together.

Acknowledging the efforts of all Councillors, our Finance team, and all staff involved, Mayor Jayo added, “it has been a tremendous team effort to prepare a Budget and Operational Plan that is responsible, responsive, and respectful of our community’s needs – now and into the future.”

The 2024-2025 Operational Plan identifies priority programs and actions to achieve corporate strategies, and links Council's long term strategic direction as set out in the 2021-2025 Corporate Plan. The Operational Plan is funded through the 2024-2025 Budget.

To view the 2024-2025 Budget and the 2024-2025 Operational Plan, please visit Council's website, Corporate Publications and Reports page.

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