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Mayor's Message - Council Connections 8 August 2018

8th August 2018

No Slash Zones

To assist in minimising the impact and spread of weed species such as Navua Sedge on properties adjacent to local roads, Council has implemented a No Slash Zone Register. This Register allows residents to nominate that the road frontages of their property are not to be slashed by Council.

The No Slash Zone Register applies to local Council roads only and supports responsible land owners who are working to manage pest and weed species along the boundary of properties fronting road reserves throughout the district.

Once registered guideposts will be installed to indicate the start and end of the No Slash Zone, these physical indicators are essential for Council or contractor slashers to differentiate between frontages of properties which are self-managed.

Slashers will not slash areas registered unless the No Slash Zone indicators are removed, requested to be removed or it becomes evident that the road frontage is no longer being maintained by the property owner and has become overgrown for an extended period of time.

To register your road frontage as a No Slash Zone, visit Council’s website, No Slash Zone Register page or contact Council on 4776 4671. Please ensure when providing information about your property to Council that you give specific details of where the No Slash Zone will start and end.

The No Slash Zone Register does not apply to state controlled roads.

National Tree Day

Last week the community celebrated National Tree Planting Day and whether you planted a tree with your school, community group or volunteered at Council event, I commend you on your commitment to caring for our unique environment.

National Tree Planting Day has been a great opportunity to reflect on the importance of nature in our daily lives, whilst inspiring, educating and recruiting Australians to create future generations of committed environmental custodians.


New CEO Appointment

I am pleased to announce the appointment of the new Chief Executive Officer, Alan Rayment. The appointment comes after a lengthy recruitment process during which Mr Rayment emerged as the stand-out candidate.

Prior to his appointment with the Hinchinbrook Shire Council, Mr Rayment has been in the role of CEO at Winton Shire Council and has extensive knowledge and experience in civil infrastructure works, economic development and governance.

Council would like to extend a warm welcome to Mr Rayment who will commence as CEO on Tuesday 25th September 2018. Acting CEO arrangements will remain in place until then.

Cr Ramon Jayo


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