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Media Release - Find Your Future in Hinchinbrook 2023

12th May 2023

Be part of the ‘Find your Future in Hinchinbrook’ movement. 

Influence our next generation, inspire future entrepreneurs, or simply motivate a career selection or change.

On Tuesday 23 May 2023 from 1.00pm to 5.00pm, ‘Find Your Future in Hinchinbrook’ will be held at the TYTO Conference and Events Centre and will showcase local career and employment opportunities and training pathways available to residents of the Shire.

For anyone pondering their future in Hinchinbrook, this event is the complete picture all in one location. 

‘Find your Future in Hinchinbrook’ presents an enormous variety of possible career pathways, providing the spark that could set someone on their path or discover a possibility that had not been considered.

The event offers a chance for parents and carers to support and encourage their child and play a more informed role in their career planning process. It also provides an opportunity for those who may be looking for a career change, new employment or upskilling opportunities, to explore pathways to making that change.

Councillor Mary Brown said “Businesses attending the event will have the opportunity to showcase their career and industry opportunities, whilst connecting with potential employees, other businesses, training providers and Government agencies. ‘Find your Future in Hinchinbrook’ will provide an opportunity to bring together representatives from diverse industry, employment and training sectors in the one location. It will provide an environment where information can be shared “face to face” and business industry networks strengthened”.

‘Find your Future in Hinchinbrook’ will bring active prospects and allow businesses to demonstrate products, answer questions and meet their market. 

For further information or to express your interest in participating as an exhibitor, please contact Council’s Events Team via email events@hinchinbrook.qld.gov.au or phone 4776 4618.

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