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Media Release - Lucinda Foreshore Vegetation Clearing and Pruning - Enhancing Community Amenity and Environmental Sustainability

18th April 2024

Hinchinbrook Shire Council will commence works along the Lucinda foreshore area in April 2024 to improve the amenity, sea views, and sea breezes along the foreshore while ensuring the preservation of its unique environmental characteristics.

These works will focus on removing exotic vegetation, clearing select understory, trimming tree branches, replenishing grassed areas, and mulching works.

Council acknowledges the significance of the Lucinda foreshore's dune system, which supports hardy plants resilient to extreme climatic conditions and saltwater inundation. Furthermore, this section of the foreshore hosts vital walking tracks, connecting Borello Park to the north and Johnson Park to the south.

In a proactive approach to community engagement and sustainability, Council plans to involve volunteers in the post-works maintenance and establishment of essential ground cover species.

The undertaking of these works will adhere to specific requirements and recommendations outlined in the NRA Environmental Consulting Report, with careful consideration given to the breeding times of local wildlife species such as the Beach Stone-curlew and Eastern Osprey. Additionally, Council will ensure that all activities remain within the boundaries of the reserve and comply with existing regulatory frameworks.

Community members and stakeholders are encouraged to review the detailed Project Report (Report 5) available on Council’s website, Meetings and Minutes page and click February’s General Meeting Business Papers, or by visiting https://bit.ly/3Tk1neN.

Council looks forward to the positive impact these planned works will have on enhancing the Lucinda foreshore's beauty, accessibility, and environmental sustainability.

For further information, please contact Director Infrastructure and Utility Services, James Stewart on 4776 4701.

Image: Lucinda Foreshore Project Location Map.

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