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Media Release - Festival of Small Halls Coming to Ingham!

7th June 2024

Festival of Small Halls has announced that Canadian duo ‘Quote the Raven’ and Australian songwriter Hailey Calvert, will feature on their upcoming Winter Tour 2024: Coastal Queensland.

Presented by the world-renowned team behind Woodford Folk Festival (Woodfordia Inc), the Festival of Small Halls is Australia’s largest regional music tour. With 38 tours under their belts, this will be the first time the Queensland tour heads out in Winter.

The Winter Tour 2024 will commence in Far North Queensland, venturing along the tropical coastline. This tour will bring bounds of breath-taking folk music to 20 new and returning communities.

Award-winning Canadian duo ‘Quote the Raven’ seamlessly merge Americana-folk music with East Coast storytelling, sharing tales of a small-town touring band experiencing the world. Returning to Australia after a debut at Port Fairy Folk Festival in March 2024, the duo are thrilled to come back. “We are so excited to be returning to Australia, we thought it would be at least another year before we had the chance to come back. We've performed at Small Halls here in Canada several times, so we can't wait to do it in Australia!”

Hailey Calvert is a much-loved player in the Australian and international music scene. The independent performer makes a lasting impression with her achingly honest folk tunes and relatable presence. “I’m so excited to get to perform for lovely audiences in little towns you usually might not get to stop in on tour. Every time I drive through a small town, I see the most amazing potential venues and am thrilled to get to play in them this time!” said Hailey.

Festival of Small Halls is coming to Ingham on Wednesday 10 July 2024. Performing at the JL Kelly Theatre, doors open at 6.30pm for a 7.00pm start. Tickets are available at www.festivalofsmallhalls.com.

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