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Media Release - COVID-19 Update - Face Masks for all Queensland

29th March 2021

From 5.00pm this afternoon, if you or a household member have travelled since Saturday 20 March 2021 in the Greater Brisbane area (City of Brisbane, City of Ipswich, Logan City, Moreton Bay Region and Redland City), you are required to be tested and self quarantine immediately for three days.

Mandatory mask wearing requirements will also change for ALL of Queensland.  This means that:   You must carry a face mask with you at all times when you leave home, unless you have a lawful reason not to;

  • You must wear a mask in indoor spaces, such as:
    • shopping centres, supermarkets, retail outlets and indoor markets;
    • hospitals and aged care facilities;
    • hospitality venues such as restaurants and cafés (not required for patrons while seated; customer facing staff only);
    • churches and places of worship;
    • libraries;
    • indoor recreational facilities and gyms (except if doing strenuous exercise*);
    • indoor workplaces (where safe to wear a mask and you can’t physically distance);
    • public transport, taxis and rideshare, including waiting areas and queues for this transport; and
    • airports and travelling on planes.
  • It is strongly recommended you wear a mask when outdoors if you are unable to stay more than the 1.5m distance from other people, such as busy walkways and thoroughfares;
  • Masks do not need to be worn in some circumstances, including children under 12 years, where people have certain medical conditions, and in workplaces where it is not safe to do so; and
  • You can remove your masks to consume food or drink.

*Strenuous exercise is exercise in or above the aerobic zone including high-intensity interval training, cycling, running.

If you are visiting any Council buildings, please ensure you wear a face mask at all times unless you have exemptions.

Changes in restrictions will also include:

  • Gatherings in private homes are limited to 30 persons in total, including the people who live there;
  • Visitors to aged care facilities, disability accommodation services, hospitals and correctional facilities across the state are restricted;
  • Restaurants, cafes, bars and nightclubs can only open for seated eating and drinking, no standing allowed; and
  • At this stage, all Council facilities will remain open.

If you are concerned, detailed information is available by visiting the Queensland Health website www.health.qld.gov.au or by phoning the Coronavirus Health Information Line on 1800 020 080 which operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

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