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Media Release - Commencement of Bi-annual Coconut Palms De-nutting Program

5th June 2024

Council wishes to advise that the bi-annual Coconut Palm De-nutting Program will commence on Tuesday 11 June 2024.

This work will be undertaken by W & T Garden Bails, with crews working to progressively de-nut coconut palms in high-risk areas throughout our local beach communities.

Please note that this round of work focuses solely on coconut de-nutting to address immediate safety and liability concerns.

Coconut palm removals will not occur in this round of work, unless hazardous trees are identified.

Scheduled coconut palm removals, which are part of the longer-term Coconut De-nutting Program and Reduction Strategy adopted by Council, will commence towards the end of the year following community consultation.

For further information, please contact Council’s Public Spaces Team on 4776 4740.

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