2024 Australia Day Awards Nominees, New Year Waste Resolutions and 45th Hinchinbrook Art Awards
Wallaman Falls, Jourama Falls and Broadwater Closed
Due to predicted heavy rainfall and gale force winds, Council wishes to advise residents and travellers not to visit Wallaman Falls, Jourama Falls or Broadwater.
The camping grounds and roads will be closed.
Council will advise accordingly when the road closure is planned to be lifted.
For information regarding local road conditions, please visit Council's website, Disaster Dashboard https://disaster.hinchinbrook.qld.gov.au/.
Nominees for 2024 Hinchinbrook Shire Australia Day Awards
Congratulations to the Hinchinbrook Shire Australia Day Award Nominees for 2024 who have made an outstanding contribution to the community, and for their exceptional achievement in a variety of areas.
Junior Sports Award
- Liam Fascetti;
- Jess Furber;
- Ally Rhodes; and
- Brax Roveda.
Senior Sports Award
- Lachlan Erba.
Junior Cultural Award
- No nominations were received for this category.
Senior Cultural Award
- Vera Di Bella.
Individual Achievement Award
- Juliene Collins;
- Wesley Davis;
- Robyn Fascetti;
- Rita Ferrari; and
- Lauren Kopeshke .
Community Event of the Year Award
- No nominations were received for this category.
Shire Young Citizen Award
- Jake Goldring.
Shire Citizen Award
- Silvia Brown;
- Juliene Collins;
- Wesley Davis;
- Lauren Kopeshke; and
- Felix Reitano.
New Year Waste Resolutions
The start of the New Year is the perfect time to look back and reflect on what you could have done better in the previous year.
This year why not try some waste resolutions, and move towards a more sustainable lifestyle?
Some ideas include:
- Going paperless - Switch your bills and bank statements to an electronic version;
- Loving lunches - Make your lunch at home to save on food waste and packaging;
- Quitting disposables - Use a reusable coffee cup when you can, or sit down and have a cuppa at one of our great local cafes;
- Decluttering and donating - Round up the things your family no longer need and save them from landfill by donating to local charities;
- Being a compost King or Queen - Set up a compost at home to turn those scraps into black gold (soil not oil!); and
- Recycle, Recycle, Recycle - Vowing to use your kerbside bins the right way (if unsure all the information is located on Council's website or you can download the Don't Waste Hinchinbrook app to your Smartphone).
Caretaker period for Local Government Elections
Prior to an election, Councillors and Council officers enter into a caretaker period, avoiding actions and decision making which could be perceived as influencing voters or having a significant impact on the incoming Council.
During this period, Councillors and Council officers must ensure that the ordinary business of Council continues in a responsible, transparent and legally-compliant manner.
The Local Government Election is to be held on Saturday 16 March 2024 and Caretaker Period arrangements will be in place from 29 January 2024 until the new Council is sworn in, in possibly March 2024.
Ingham Memorial Gardens Concept Design Options Survey Results
The Hinchinbrook community was given the opportunity to have their say on the proposed ideas for the Ingham Memorial Gardens Meandering Creek Concept.
The consultation period opened on Friday 8 December 2023 and closed on Monday 15 January 2024.
During this time, a total of 66 responses were received.
The community was given the opportunity to have their say on the proposed ideas (Option 1 and Option 2), and put forward other local tributes from features, flora and fauna for the design.
Both options allowed the Hinchinbrook community to make comments and suggestions, including recommendations of local artists to create features to place in the curves of the facility.
The results saw Option 1 receiving 64% of votes, and Option 2 receiving 36%.
Council's Events Calendar
Do you have an upcoming community event that you wish to promote?
Visit Council's website, Events Calendar page to submit your event.
Data Privacy Week
Data Privacy Week (Sunday 21 January to Saturday 27 January 2024) is an annual campaign with the goal of educating the public about the importance of online privacy.
Learn how you can get involved in 2024’s campaign by viewing the webinar presented by the National Cybersecurity Alliance at https://bit.ly/3vN61Zs.
So You Want to be a Councillor?
The mandatory pre-nomination training for the 2024 Local Government Election is now available online.
The course takes roughly 90 minutes to finish, and you will receive a certificate of completion to download at the end.
For details and to take the training, head to https://bit.ly/47KTL9i.
45th Hinchinbrook Art Awards
Voting for the 45th Hinchinbrook Art Awards closes soon!
The 45th Hinchinbrook Art Awards closes 4.00pm Sunday 28 January 2024.
Last chance to vote for the People's Choice Award at the TYTO Regional Art Gallery.
Stay tuned for People's Choice Award results.
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