Hinchinbrook Shire Council advises that a decision has been made regarding the fluoridation of drinking water at the Ingham, Forrest Beach and Lower Herbert Water Treatment Plants servicing the communities of Ingham, Trebonne, Toobanna, Blackrock, Forrest Beach, Taylors Beach, Cordelia, Halifax, Lucinda, Macknade and Bemerside.
Hinchinbrook Shire Council will cease dosing fluoride into the relevant water supplies from Tuesday 2 May 2017. Fluoride levels in the water supply will slowly decrease as stored water in shire’s reservoirs is replaced with non-fluoridated water. Council will continue to monitor fluoride levels until they drop to naturally occurring levels.
Enquiries regarding this decision can be made by contacting the Water and Sewerage Department on 07 4776 4673.